Chapter 247 And Lu Yuchen's Theory
"Yes, Boss Lu seems to have bread and milk for breakfast, and he hasn't eaten anything until now."

Ah Heng spoke truthfully.

An Qiaoran slandered in her heart: If you don't eat breakfast, you think you're made of iron?

An Qiaoran just said "Oh", and then walked towards the elevator. Of course, after Ah Heng came to pick her up, her attention rate soared.

I took the elevator all the way to the top floor and came to Lu Yuchen's office. As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of keyboards.

It seems...he is still busy.

"Mr. Lu, my wife is here." A Heng who was on the side reminded Lu Yuchen when he saw that Lu Yuchen was concentrating on his work.

Lu Yuchen raised his head, and saw An Qiaoran standing there, his face seemed to be cool, and his little face was bulging with anger.

She looked so cute, Lu Yuchen couldn't help chuckling, stood up and walked towards her, poked her bulging face with his hand, and said lovingly, "What's wrong? Who messed with you? Was it that one?" Security? I'll have someone let him go right away."

An Qiaoran reached out to take his hand, held it in his hand, stared at him with bright eyes, and said angrily, "You don't even eat!"

As soon as she said this, Sun Xu and A Heng were stunned. Of course, Lu Yuchen was the one who was shocked the most.

Seeing An Qiaoran's serious face, Lu Yuchen suddenly felt very happy, "Are you caring about me?"

She was actually angry that he had nothing to eat.

"Who cares about you?" An Qiaoran retorted angrily, "I'm angry with you, can't you see?"

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he threw himself on the sofa, with the word "angry" written all over his face.

Hearing what An Qiaoran said, Lu Yuchen had no words to refute. He curled up his thin lips and sat down beside her, "Then I'll eat on time next time, so you shouldn't be angry?"

"Hmph!" An Qiaoran folded his hands on his chest and turned his head away, not looking at him.

The two talked to each other, completely forgetting that Sun Xu and A Heng still existed in the room.

Ah Heng has become accustomed to her natural beauty, but Sun still a little uncomfortable with An Qiaoran who is so coquettish.

However, this also just proves that the relationship between them is good.

Originally, he was dragged here by An Qiaoran, but now that he is here, An Qiaoran has been talking to Lu Yuchen all the time. It is really embarrassing for him to stay here.

So he stepped forward, and just as he was about to say goodbye, An Qiaoran's voice sounded.

"I came today to argue with you." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and spoke honestly.

"Theory?" Lu Yuchen frowned, "What do you want to argue with me?"

An Qiaoran didn't speak, got up and walked to Sun Xu's side, then looked at Lu Yuchen who was on the sofa, "About his expulsion from school."

Hearing what An Qiaoran said, Lu Yuchen realized that the man who came in with An Qiaoran looked up, and it was indeed the man in the photo, the man who went to dinner with An Qiaoran yesterday.

Sun Xu...

Lu Yuchen's eyes on Sun Xu suddenly turned cold, and he turned to A Heng who was beside him.

Ask him with his eyes if he told An Qiaoran about his expulsion of Sun Xu.

Ah Heng naturally understood, and shook his head, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't know how his wife knew.

The eye contact between the two naturally couldn't escape An Qiaoran's piercing eyes, and it was even more certain that Lu Yuchen was doing the trick.

"Lu Yuchen, you made the school expel Sun Xu, didn't you?"

Lu Yuchen looked up at her, walked over and pulled her away from Sun Xu, frowned and said, "Why are you standing so close to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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