Chapter 263 Do You Dare To Eat Strangers?

An Qiaoran looked up, and saw that Lu Yuchen was staring at her with a dark face, as if he wanted to poke a hole in her body, his eyes were deep.

"Do you dare to eat food from strangers?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and said very displeased.

An Qiaoran: "..."

"Sun Xu is not a stranger..." An Qiaoran pouted helplessly.

Hasn't he never seen it?Why do you say they are strangers?
"Then you dare to eat what he made?" Lu Yuchen said with an unreasonable face, "Aren't you afraid of what's in it?"

"Then what else can I put in the food he cooked for me?" An Qiaoran had already complained about his powerless thinking ability.

What's going on in his head?It's as if everyone is going to hurt her.

"What if it's some kind of medicine that makes people lose their minds? Do you dare to take it?" Lu Yuchen looked at her defending other men, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

An Qiaoran didn't want to say anything to Lu Yuchen any more, and turned to look at Sun Xu who was silent while listening to their words. Seeing that his face was not very good, he couldn't help comforting him, "He just has this temper, so don't pay attention to him."

Hearing this, Sun Xu smiled indifferently, "It's okay, I understand, he is concerned about you. Since you are already going back, there is no need to give you this side, you go slowly, I will go back first. "

After Sun Xu finished speaking, he turned and left with the insulated box in hand.

"Sun Xu, wait a minute." An Qiaoran suddenly thought of something, then ran towards Sun Xu and stood in front of him, "Don't go, I have something to tell you."

As An Qiaoran said, he glanced at Lu Yuchen who was looking at them with a dark face, "I want to have a conversation with him, can I?"

Lu Yuchen didn't expect that An Qiaoran would ask for his own opinion. After a second, he sat on the bench uncomfortably, "It's better to hurry up."

With Lu Yuchen's permission, An Qiaoran dragged Sun Xu to the teaching building. Because it was the weekend, there was no one in the school.

" want to tell me?" Sun Xu didn't expect that An Qiaoran would suddenly propose to talk to him, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"I think you're not in a good mood these days. Did something happen? Are you Grandpa okay?"

She has been in the infirmary for the past few days, and she didn't have time to ask.I don't know how things turned out.

Hearing her talking about this, Sun Xu froze for a moment, and after realizing it, he nodded, "The operation was a success, you don't have to worry."

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran nodded reassuringly, "That's good."

Thinking about the whole story of this incident, An Qiaoran still felt a little guilty, "I'm really sorry, I didn't have time to explain it clearly to Lu Yuchen, if I had told him that night, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this...

Every time she thought of this, she felt that she owed Sun Xu a lot.

After all, if she didn't do what she promised him, she would always feel bad in her heart.

"You are not to blame for this matter, and you should not blame yourself too much." Sun Xu said indifferently, "Actually, I have already figured it out. No matter what your relationship with Lu Yuchen is, it is also his business problem. You shouldn't be able to stop what company you want to acquire, so I won't blame you for this matter."

Even though she said that, An Qiaoran didn't feel much better about the guilt in her heart. After thinking about it for a while, she still asked.

"At this point in the matter, is there any chance of saving it?"

She doesn't understand business, so she doesn't know if things can change.

She would try it if she could.

(End of this chapter)

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