Chapter 270 You Are My An Qiaoran

She didn't have any impression of what Lu Yuchen said, and what the old lady said made her suspicious.

But no matter how much she doubted, there was nothing she could do. Lu Yuchen couldn't give her the answer she wanted, and no one else could.

Lu Yuchen looked down at her still red eyes, and his heart was touched. He took her hand covering him, stared deeply at her with black eyes, and said in a magnetic voice, "Okay! I promise you anything."

As long as she wants, she will give her anything, promise her anything, as long as she doesn't leave him, all problems are not problems.

Hearing his doting words, An Qiaoran was very moved, and tried to show a smile, "Don't pamper me like this, in case I am spoiled by you, I won't be afraid of you anymore, and disobey you like today what to do?"

"Fool! You are mine, how could you disobey me?" Lu Yuchen smiled dotingly at her, stretched out his hand to caress the red lips that had been kissed by him, and there was a touch of distress in his eyes, "Does it hurt? "

He was annoyed at the thought of her not trusting him just now and thinking of her interceding with other men, so it became like this.

Looking at it now, my heart aches.

An Qiaoran shook her head, "Honey, why are you so nice to me?"

Obviously she always loses her temper with him, and he is also very angry, but every time they quarrel, he always bows his head first.

"Because you are my An Qiaoran." Lu Yuchen smiled dotingly, then lowered his head and kissed her lips, bit by bit, like the touch of a dragonfly, so gentle that he was afraid of hurting her.

This time, An Qiaoran didn't resist anymore, but closed his eyes and enjoyed his kiss.

Many times she would think that she and Lu Yuchen were not like other couples, who would either quarrel or divorce.

Although she and Lu Yuchen always had conflicts over trivial matters, Lu Yuchen doted on her.Obviously he was also very angry, but when he saw her angry, he lost his anger.

In the past, before she knew Lu Yuchen, she thought that this person was out of reach for her, not an ordinary person.

But after marrying him, she gradually understood that this man, like other men, dotes on his woman, coaxing when he is angry, and coaxing when he is unhappy.

As long as she becomes his woman, she is destined to be spoiled and pampered by him.

Therefore, she, An Qiaoran, was actually very lucky.


Early the next morning, An Qiaoran received a call from Sun Xu, saying that it was Lu Yuchen who had given up on the purchase of Rising Sun Group. From the tone of his voice, he was very happy.

And he also said that upon hearing the good news, most of his grandfather recovered from his illness immediately.

He was so happy that he also thanked her deeply, and An Qiaoran couldn't help but feel happy for him.

Although today is the weekend, Lu Yuchen is still busy with many things.

The appointment time with Zhao Qiaoqiao was five o'clock in the afternoon, so it took a long time.

All morning, Lu Yuchen worked in the study, while An Qiaoran went to the room next to the bedroom to accompany An Qiaoli.

In order to take good care of Lili, Lu Yuchen specially hired a doctor in this field to be a nurse to take care of An Qiaoli 24 hours a day.

An Qiaoran talked a lot with An Qiaoli, from medicine to Lu Yuchen, anyway, she shared with An Qiaoli everything she had experienced.Although An Qiaoli just fell asleep the whole time and didn't speak, An Qiaoran still had a lot of fun talking and recalling.

So, it was two o'clock in the blink of an eye.

"Young madam, the young master told you to come over!" Nade came in from the outside, and whispered in her ear so as not to disturb An Qiaoli's rest.

(End of this chapter)

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