Chapter 272 You Can Say More

It can be seen that this person is deliberately targeting the director. What kind of hatred does this director have with him?Why is he going to put people to death?And...the complainant is actually the medical project director!

"Lu Yuchen, why is your vision so bad?" Can such a person who slanders others become a director?An Qiaoran couldn't help but feel contemptuous.

"Huh? Where did you say that?" Lu Yuchen was not angry when he was belittled by An Qiaoran, but instead asked with a calm expression.

An Qiaoran didn't care, "Look at this medical project director, he's just deceiving people too much. If you complain, you can complain. Why are you swearing? You don't deserve to be a director at all."

"So?" Compared to An Qiaoran's indignation, Lu Yuchen was very relaxed.

"A person like him should be fired! Staying in the company is a disaster for the country and the people." Through these materials, An Qiaoran could see the ugly face of that person.

He clearly wanted to get rid of that entertainment director, and then take his place. This person...why is he so annoying?
Is there too much competition in large groups?

"So you think that the person complained should stay, and the complainant should be fired?" Lu Yuchen looked down at her, his eyes were deep, and there seemed to be a faint smile hidden.


An Qiaoran just said it casually, expressing his feelings, feeling aggrieved in his heart for the person who was complained. He didn't expect Lu Yuchen to really ask himself this question, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After thinking for a while, she just said casually, "This is a matter in your company, so it's not convenient for me to say more?"

No matter what, she can't be involved in politics!

"You can say more, every word you say can determine the fate of the two of them." Lu Yuchen didn't have her kind of thinking at all, but he seemed to be very happy about her commenting on his employees. .

An Qiaoran didn't expect him to be so open-minded. After a moment of stunned, he said, "You still have to investigate this matter. If the complainant really has bad intentions, then let's talk about it separately!"

Anyway, she didn't want to interfere with his company's affairs, so she couldn't speak too plainly.

This time, she let him give up the acquisition of Rising Sun because she was sorry for him, but for Sun Xu, after all, she promised her.

She swore she would never do it again.

She didn't want people in the company to know that she was their boss's wife, and she was about to become a scourge in their mouths.

"There's no need to investigate, I've already investigated clearly." Lu Yuchen glanced at the computer screen, and then looked down at An Qiaoran, "He replaced many important officials in the company to deliver me complaint letters, just to want Dominating one side. Therefore, there is no doubt about his character."

As Lu Yuchen said, he stood up holding An Qiaoran, put her on the ground, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and led her out.

"Then why didn't you lay him off?" An Qiaoran asked in confusion after hearing what he said.

Now that he already knew his selfish intentions, why didn't he just fire him?What are you still doing?
"Mainly because he's always been competent at the company, but also uniquely in terms of managing the medical program."

Lu Yuchen stopped walking as he spoke, "If I fire such an excellent person, who is capable of taking his place?"

Although Lu Yuchen said so much at once, An Qiaoran still understood and nodded, "It seems to be true, but his character is not good, you can only turn a blind eye to his behavior."

"It's as if he is very powerful. After a long time, he's probably going to covet your position as president."

Speaking of this, An Qiaoran couldn't help becoming worried, "Lu Yuchen, aren't you afraid of such a person? What if he murders you one day..."

An Qiaoran stopped talking in the middle, mainly because she saw Lu Yuchen's fire-spitting eyes, as if she was going to get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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