Chapter 279 What are you?
Hearing this, An Qiaoran raised her eyes and glanced at the two women, and then said, "Just get out, and, this woman, I don't want her to appear in our class again."

She An Qiaoran is not a soft persimmon, she can be pinched by others, she may be able to bear other things, but if it involves her husband Lu Yuchen, she can't bear it!
It would be nice if she didn't just kick her out of school.

The woman named Jing'er never thought that Lu Yuchen did everything just to amuse An Qiaoran, and she didn't want to be with her at all.

After hearing An Qiaoran's words, her face turned even paler, but she didn't believe that Lu Yuchen really didn't have feelings for her, she didn't believe it.

He obviously didn't push her away just now, let alone keep a distance from her.

Thinking of this, she suddenly ran in front of Lu Yuchen, squatted at his feet, and began to pray, "Young Master Lu, I don't want to leave Class [-] of the North Building. You can make the decision, right?"

Seeing this, the woman on the side also squatted down, "Young Master Lu, you are the president of IE and a famous figure in the North City. You can't listen to this wild woman, can you?"

They firmly believed that the resolute Lu Yuchen was so arrogant that it was impossible for him to obey An Qiaoran in front of so many people, and even if he spoiled her, he would not lose his face.

Therefore, after they said this, Lu Yuchen would never listen to An Qiaoran.

But... Lu Yuchen's eyes made them feel that they had miscalculated.

Lu Yuchen didn't bother to look at them at first, but this woman actually called An Qiaoran a wild woman, which made his face turn cold.

"Do you dare to say what you just said again!" Lu Yuchen stared at the woman who said this with cold eyes, his face was extremely cold.

Seeing his eyes like this and his low tone, the woman was even more frightened. She lowered her head and apologized quickly, "Young Master Lu, I know I was wrong."

"An Qiaoran is my woman, and I didn't say a word about her, what are you?" Lu Yuchen scolded coldly, then raised his eyes to look at Ah Heng who was not far away, "Throw these two people out for me! It's disgusting to see!"

"Yes, Mr. Lu." Ah Heng stepped forward and dragged the two people on the ground away, and threw them directly outside the hotel.

Both women are wearing extremely high heels, how can they stand up to such a toss?After being thrown by A Heng, he fell to the ground directly, in a terrible state of embarrassment.

"An Qiaoran, that slut! Who does she think she is? Why should she be drunk with us! And Young Master Lu, he still treats her like a treasure!"

Jing'er also stood up, stomping her teeth with hatred, "I'm not reconciled!"

Finally got the chance to get close to Young Master Lu. He had already succeeded in the beginning, but An Qiaoran ran out suddenly, which made her so mad!
"Not reconciled? Then go and deal with her? What's the use of crying for a long time here?" A red Ferrari suddenly stopped in front of them, and the woman in the car turned to look at them, her face full of disdain.

After seeing the people in the car clearly, the two women immediately stepped forward to show their hospitality, "Sister Lan Xue, why are you here?"

Chen Lanxue is the daughter of the richest man, and her interpersonal relationship in the medical school is also good.

"Of course there is something to do." Chen Lanxue raised her chin proudly, and then looked at them, "What? Did you get bullied by that An Qiaoran? Are you in such a mess?"

Jing'er told Chen Lanxue what happened, and Chen Lanxue was a little shocked when she heard it, "I didn't expect Lu Yuchen to spoil An Qiaoran all by himself!"

She really didn't know why Lu Yuchen liked her, that An Qiaoran had no background and no background!And no other woman is willing to take a look.

Although she was unwilling, she didn't show much in front of these two ordinary people, and looked at them with good intentions.

"I have a way to avenge you, and, possibly, get Young Master Lu."

(End of this chapter)

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