Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 282 The One Who Loves Can Only Be You

Chapter 282 The One Who Loves Can Only Be You

In this way, did he choose to tell the truth?An Qiaoran was overjoyed, and then began to think about what to ask.

But after thinking for a long time, she didn't expect that she seemed to have a lot of questions to ask, but she knew them all well.

What exactly is there to ask?

Seeing An Qiaoran's tangled face, Lu Yuchen was impatient to wait, "Is it so hard to imagine?"

Isn't it just a problem?

Hearing Lu Yuchen's voice, An Qiaoran suddenly thought of what she was going to ask, "Lu Yuchen, you must answer the question I asked sincerely. If you deceive me, I will divorce you!"

divorce?so serious?Not only Lu Yuchen, but also Zhao Qiaoqiao and others were very curious about what question she was going to ask, with such serious consequences?

"I'm not lying to you." Lu Yuchen touched An Qiaoran's face and said helplessly, his voice magnetic.

Although hearing what he said, An Qiaoran was not completely relieved, her fair face was very serious.

"If you in the future find out that I am not the girl in the portrait, what will you do?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"You just need to answer me." An Qiaoran was very stubborn, eager to hear the answer.

Seeing her being so serious, Lu Yuchen couldn't help thinking seriously, and some pictures appeared in his mind, and when the picture changed, it was the picture of An Qiaoran defying bullets for him again.

Thinking of that scene, his heart tightened suddenly. The next second, he subconsciously looked at An Qiaoran's arm, and then pulled her into his arms.

"An Qiaoran, you heard me clearly, whether you are her or not, the only person I love is you. It is impossible for me to fall in love with other women besides you at the same time, do you understand?"

Hearing Lu Yuchen's magnetic and deep voice, An Qiaoran's throat was suddenly congested badly. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't open his mouth. He could only crawl into his arms and nodded deeply.

With his words, she was relieved.No matter what he thinks, at least she feels at ease.

Looking at the scene of the two loving each other before him, Sun Xu's heart was greatly hurt. From this point of view, Lu Yuchen was sincere to An Qiaoran.

Then what else is he going to try?

Thinking about it, he smiled softly, "Ran Ran, it's just a game, don't take it so seriously."

"Yes! Young Master Lu loves you very much! Don't cry!" Seeing An Qiaoran's tears about to fall, Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't help but said.

After being told by them, An Qiaoran realized that her emotions were a little extreme, and calmed down.

"Okay, the game is played, what do you do now?"


Just as Zhao Qiaoqiao was about to say something, the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and a waiter came in with a fruit plate.

"This is the fruit plate you ordered." The waiter said, put the fruit plate on the table, then turned and left.

"Come on, let's eat some fruit!" Zhao Qiaoqiao said, picked up the sliced ​​apple and handed it to An Qiaoran, "Come on, Ran Ran."

"Thank you, Qiaoqiao." An Qiaoran smiled politely, then reached out to take it, put it in his mouth, took a bite, chewed, and swallowed.

Then he said suspiciously, "Why do I think this apple tastes so strange? It seems that it is not so sweet, and it has a strange taste."

"Really?" Zhao Qiaoqiao also picked up a piece, took a bite, and then frowned, "I also think it has a strange smell."

Hearing what she said, Lu Yuchen's face suddenly became serious.

"Does their fruit taste like this?" Sun Xu couldn't help wondering.

Zhao Qiaoqiao shook her head, "Impossible! I have been to this hotel before, and it didn't taste like this before!"

(End of this chapter)

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