Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 285 Can't bear her being wronged by 1 point

Chapter 285 Can't bear her being wronged a little bit
Hearing Lu Yuchen's low growl, Ah Heng's heart trembled on the other side of the phone.

It seems that this incident completely offended Mr. Lu. Thinking about it, he said cautiously, "Then... Mr. Lu, what are your plans?"

The hotel has already checked it out. It was indeed a misunderstanding, and it was the waiter who sent the wrong fruit plate.Could it be that Young Master Lu still has to argue with that waiter?

"One week, I will make that hotel disappear in Beicheng! Also, find out who is suspicious near the hotel that night."

He didn't believe that this incident would be such a coincidence, there must be someone behind it.

"Young Master Lu... I have checked thoroughly. There is no suspicious person in the hotel or near the hotel. I have even checked the waiter. He works there and his family is poor. I think he is really serious. Not on purpose."

At that time, he had the same idea as Young Master Lu, so he investigated it very seriously, but it was such a coincidence that there was nothing he could do.

"Then you want me to just forget about it?" An Qiaoran was in so much pain last night, he can still vividly remember it now.It was impossible for him to let An Qiaoran suffer for nothing.

He couldn't stand An Qiaoran being wronged a little bit!

"Just do as I say!" Since the accident happened in that hotel, An Qiaoran couldn't find the real culprit, so he let the whole hotel be buried with him.

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking in a cold voice, he hung up the phone, turned around, and saw An Qiaoran standing behind him.

A unease flashed in the deep black eyes, "You... heard everything?"

"Yeah." An Qiaoran nodded slightly.She obviously didn't want to hear it just now, but Lu Yuchen's voice was too loud, she couldn't help being curious, so she walked over, and heard Lu Yuchen's low growl on the phone, but didn't hear the conversation on the other side.

"Is it about what happened at the hotel yesterday?" Based on what Lu Yuchen said just now, An Qiaoran guessed that it should be about that matter.

Lu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, but still nodded, "I asked Ah Heng to investigate, it was just a misunderstanding."


An Qiaoran nodded, not intending to continue this topic, thinking about Zhao Qiaoqiao and the others, she asked, "Did Zhao Qiaoqiao and the others stay in the hotel last night?"

She knew that according to Lu Yuchen's temper, she should just hug her back and leave them alone.

Hearing her mention this, Lu Yuchen frowned and said impatiently, "I don't know."

When he saw her fainting at the time, he kept thinking about sending her to the hospital, how could he control other people?

Seeing An Qiaoran's worried expression, he couldn't help but say, "That Zhao Qiaoqiao was taken away by Ah Heng, I don't know about the others."

"What?" An Qiaoran was shocked by Lu Yuchen's words.

Ah Heng actually carried the fainted Zhao Qiaoqiao out!Could it be that he likes... Jojo!Otherwise, if he doesn't care about so many people, why should he care about Qiao Qiao?This is not Ah Heng's style of doing things!

An Qiaoran's shock at this moment was beyond Lu Yuchen's imagination, "That kid Ah Heng may be really moved."

After following him for so long, he has never seen him hugging a woman like yesterday, and he seemed to be very worried.

After listening to Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran is not a good person, "No way! Qiao Qiao already belongs to Jiang Hao, if he mixes in, he will be a mistress."

An Qiaoran never expected that Ah Heng would like Zhao Qiaoqiao.

Unexpectedly, the carefree Zhao Qiaoqiao was so lucky.

"That's his business, why bother so much?" Seeing An Qiaoran's worried expression, Lu Yuchen couldn't bear to tell him.In fact, what they fell into last night was not a drug, but a love-drug.

Could it be that that kid did something to that Zhao Qiaoqiao?

(End of this chapter)

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