Chapter 292 The Invisible Third Party

After talking so much, Lu Yuchen finally came back to reality from his memory.

Hearing what he asked, An Qiaoran shook his head with a pale face, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Lu Yuchen, I have no memory of what you said, and I can tell you frankly that I have never been here, never Never had."

Lu Yuchen stood in front of the stone, looking at her, the distance between her and him was only one meter.Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen didn't react too much, "It's okay, you will remember it one day."

"But I'm afraid... I will never remember." An Qiaoran's lips trembled when he said this, "Lu Yuchen, do you always think that person is me just because of the necklace around my neck?"

She doesn't have any memory of what he said, the only thing she has is this necklace, and even the little girl in the painting, she doesn't think it's her.

After Lu Yuchen listened to her words, he didn't speak anymore. In An Qiaoran's eyes, the long silence was already a tacit consent.

"Lu Yuchen, I admit that I have been wearing this necklace since I was a child, but how can you be sure that I am that person? Do I look like her?"

"An Qiaoran..."

"Even if you identified me because of this necklace, then tell me, why do I have no memory? Why do I have no impression of everything you said, not even a single piece of memory? I don't even have confidence in myself Why are things so certain in your eyes?"

An Qiaoran didn't know why, but after listening to Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran became very excited. Following Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran became even more upset.

The tone of the speech was a bit extreme, and Lu Yuchen naturally heard it.

"An Qiaoran, my judgment cannot be wrong!" He looked at her affirmatively, and his words were firm.

He checked it at the time and found that this necklace is unique, and there can be no second one in this world.

The little girl back then was her, there was no mistake!

"But I have no memory, everything is imaginary." An Qiaoran calmed down, and then said, "Let's go back! Don't discuss this matter anymore."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked in the direction of the car.

Lu Yuchen looked at the back of her leaving, feeling depressed by something in his heart, feeling very uncomfortable.

On the way back, the car was surprisingly quiet, no one spoke, and An Qiaoran also looked ahead the whole time without saying a word.

Today, she knows the origin of Lu Yuchen and "her", and also knows why he chose to marry her in the first place.

It was because of the necklace around her neck that he believed that she was the little pigtail he had been waiting for for a long time.

However, she had no impression of all of this, and Lu Yuchen didn't tell her that there was any resemblance between her and the little pigtail, even she herself couldn't see the resemblance, so how could Lu Yuchen see it.

After the scene just now, An Qiaoran finally understood that in Lu Yuchen's heart, she was a little pigtail, a woman she didn't even know or knew.

Lu Yuchen loved "her" and doted on "her", not An Qiaoran.

Realizing this, An Qiaoran's heart became very heavy.

The marriage contract between him and Lu Yuchen looked extremely affectionate, but in fact, there was an extra third party invisibly.

The actual combat test is coming, An Qiaoran has been studying very hard these days, and even participated in the school's training class. He arrives home at nine o'clock in the evening every day, and goes to bed after taking a shower. The communication with Lu Yuchen has gradually decreased a lot. .

(End of this chapter)

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