Chapter 298 As long as you are here

Lu Yuchen didn't answer first, but looked An Qiaoran up and down before saying, "Are you not angry anymore?"

A few days ago, she seemed to be indifferent to him. Although he didn't know why she was like that, he also vaguely guessed that she was just angry.

As for what he was angry with, he didn't know, and she didn't say anything.

Now she took the initiative to bring him coffee, and said that she would always give him a cup in the future.

Does it mean that she is not angry anymore?
An Qiaoran felt baffled when he heard this question, "I'm not angry?"

She wasn't angry, so how could she be angry?

"But..." Lu Yuchen still wanted to ask her what happened those few days, but suddenly thought of something, so she didn't intend to ask, and lowered her head to drink coffee.

Some things are past when they are over, so don't ask about them.

"You came to me just to bring me coffee?" Lu Yuchen drank half of the coffee in his cup before looking up at An Qiaoran in front of him.

In the past, she came to him to ask him for something, but this time she brought coffee, so there must be something wrong!
"No..." An Qiaoran said with some hesitation, "Do you have time now?"

"Yes!" Lu Yuchen nodded.

"Then... can you take me to the place where you and that girl first met?"

She has been thinking a lot lately. It was night, so she may not be able to see clearly, that's why there is no picture. She plans to see it clearly again today.

Lu Yuchen wanted to ask what he was doing there, but he nodded and stood up, "Let's go!"

Lu Yuchen stepped out of the office first before her, and An Qiaoran watched him for a while before following his footsteps.

It was another half an hour's journey, and this time An Qiaoran had a clear view of the roadside scene.

The sports car stopped on the side of the road again. Compared with that night, the road today is a bit more lively, with vehicles passing by from time to time.

According to the memory of that night, An Qiaoran walked under the big tree and saw that the painting on the white stone should have been carved with some sharp tool, and the outline was so deep that it was still very clear after more than ten years.

It seemed that Lu Yuchen really cared about that girl.

But... is she really?

An Qiaoran stood in front of the stone, just looking at the painting on the stone, trying hard to think of something, but still couldn't.

And on the way here, she also looked at the scenery outside the car, and she still didn't have the slightest impression that she had been here. Standing in front of the stone now, she still didn't think of anything.

She, An Qiaoran... is she really the little girl from back then?An Qiaoran asked herself in her heart.

Seeing An Qiaoran staring at the stone without speaking, with a concentrated expression on his face, Lu Yuchen subconsciously embraced her waist, and said softly, "I still have no impression?"

An Qiaoran shook his head silently.

There are no waves in her mind, she really can't remember.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen didn't look too disappointed, "If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

Whether he remembers or not is not that important to him, the important thing is only her.

Hearing his magnetic voice, An Qiaoran raised his eyes to look at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree behind the stone, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Lu Yuchen, I'm sorry, I didn't remember." Maybe, she really wasn't.

Maybe Lu Yuchen really hoped that she could remember, but...if that person wasn't her, no matter how you think about it, she wouldn't remember even half of it.

Hearing her words of apology, Lu Yuchen frowned dissatisfiedly, looked down at her bright eyes, and parted her thin lips lightly, "An Qiaoran, it's not your fault, it's over, it doesn't matter if you don't remember it , as long as you are here.

(End of this chapter)

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