Chapter 301 Bought something shameful...

After a while, the proprietress turned her eyes to Lu Yuchen, who was calm and unhurried, and said without exaggeration, "This is a hot item in the store, young man, you are too careless..."

The inside of the hair clip is brittle, and the outside is wrapped in the shape of rabbit ears made of flannelette. The hair clip inside is broken, but the rabbit ears are still there.

Lu Yuchen was annoyed at first because he broke the only hairpin he liked here, but the proprietress said that it was a hot item, and the haze in his heart was swept away immediately.

"Since it's a hot-selling product, does that mean that there are still hair clips like this?" Lu Yuchen suddenly looked at the proprietress with bright eyes, and a magnetic voice sounded.

The proprietress didn't expect him to ask if he still had such a product after breaking the product, and she was stunned for a while.

She just paid attention to him just now because he saw that he was very rich in clothes. From this point of view, he is indeed rich, and according to her years of experience in running a shopping mall, this man must like this hairpin very much.

The proprietress thought about it, coughed twice, and then said, "Young man, you are lucky, because this is a hot-selling item in the store, so it sold out quickly, and I haven't had time to make it yet. Except for the one you broke, there is the only one one of."

"You did it yourself?" Lu Yuchen heard the point.

"Yes!" The proprietress nodded, "We country people don't have much money to purchase, so we make it by ourselves. If you like it, I'll get it to you right now."

Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes, hooked the corner of his mouth, and nodded, "Okay!"

The proprietress happily went to get another hair clip and handed it to Lu Yuchen, "Here! This is it."

Looking at the hairpin in his hand, Lu Yuchen was in a very happy mood, "How much?"

"This one! It's not expensive, it's only fifty. It's the most suitable gift for your girlfriend. I think you bought it for the girl who came in with you, right? She will look beautiful in it."

After hearing the praise from the proprietress, Lu Yuchen was very happy. His woman is of course beautiful!
"I can give you 100 million, but I don't want to see hair clips like this in your shop again, understand what I mean?" Lu Yuchen took out his wallet, took out a bank card, and said to the proprietress.

He didn't want An Qiaoran to bump into hairpins with others, and watching that scene would make him feel uncomfortable.

The proprietress was shocked after hearing what he said, 100 million... That's money she can't earn in her entire life!
So, she agreed without hesitation, "Yes, yes! After taking your money, I will never make such hairpins again."

"That's the best!" Lu Yuchen said, and handed the card to her, and the proprietress reached out to take it with great excitement, "Young man, just look at whatever you like, and pick whatever you want."

"No need." Lu Yuchen said coldly, and handed the hairpin to the proprietress, "Wrap it up for me."


Lu Yuchen followed the proprietress to the cash register, and saw clearly that the proprietress took out a half-moon-shaped gift box and put the hairpin in it.

"Originally, this hairpin didn't have such a packaging box, but since you want to give it to your lover, I gave it to you."

"En." Lu Yuchen took the packing box, responded indifferently, and then saw An Qiaoran walking over.

"Have you chosen?" Lu Yuchen hid the gift box in his hand behind his back without leaving any trace, and turned to ask her.

"En." An Qiaoran responded softly, then looked at him, and said uncomfortably, "You go out first, I'll pay the bill."

"Why did I go out when you paid the bill?" Lu Yuchen was a little dissatisfied, "Or... did you buy something shameful?"

(End of this chapter)

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