Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 306 The Old Madam Wants to Treat Miss An to a Cup of Tea

Chapter 306 The Old Madam Wants to Treat Miss An to a Cup of Tea


An Qiaoran returned to the villa alone, and put the things he bought in the bedroom.

All sorts come in pairs and look so good.

Originally, she planned to go shopping again, and then developed the photos, but she didn't expect to meet that crazy woman Chen Lanxue, which made her forget about it.

There will be a week of exams starting tomorrow, and after passing the exams, she will go abroad again, and the time she spends with Lu Yuchen is getting less and less, so she can't waste it.

Thinking about it, she picked up her bag and went downstairs again, "Master De, do you know if there is a place to develop photos nearby?"

It's no time now, Lu Yuchen is coming back soon, she promised him that he will see it when he comes back, she can't break her promise, right?
"The nearest store is going down the mountain, young lady, do you want to go down?" De Butler walked over after finishing his work.

"Yeah." An Qiaoran nodded, "I want to develop the photos, can you drive me there?"

"Naturally." Nade nodded, took off his apron and walked out, "Master will be worried if you let you go out so late."

Regarding Nade's words, An Qiaoran just smiled dryly and didn't answer, which made her a little embarrassed.

Nade drove down the mountain to the entrance of a store, An Qiaoran went in for more than ten minutes, and got the photo.

Looking at the two photos in her hand, An Qiaoran felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. This was the first photo of her and Lu Yuchen together, and it was still framed, which was very commemorative.

Looking at the photo in her hand, Nade couldn't help admiring, "It's the first time I've seen the young master so happy in the photo."

"Really?" He never smiled before taking pictures?She was thinking too much, maybe Lu Yuchen didn't like taking pictures at all, let alone laughing?

"The young master will only laugh after meeting you, young lady..." Nade seemed to have thought of something sad, and gave up halfway through the sentence.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go back! The young master should be back too." After Nade finished speaking, he knocked on the car door and made a gesture of invitation to An Qiaoran.

"Housekeeper De!"

An Qiaoran bent down and was about to get into the car when a mature voice sounded.

An Qiaoran looked up, and saw not far away, a black car was parked there, and there were many men wearing sunglasses and black suits standing beside the car, standing with their hands behind their backs.

And in front of them was Nianhua, the steward of Nian, in the old house of the Lu family.

What is he... doing here?With so many people brought here, An Qiaoran's intuition told An Qiaoran that they had bad intentions.

When Housekeeper De saw the situation, he had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still smiled on the surface, "Why is Housekeeper Nian here? You brought so many people, did the old lady ask you to perform some mission?"

Nianhua smiled slyly and walked over, "Housekeeper De is too worried. I was just entrusted by the old lady to invite Miss An to have a cup of tea."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was startled heavily.

Sure enough, it was for her. The last time I came to the villa to talk about something, what about this time?Why did you bring so many people to force her away?

When Housekeeper De heard this, his face changed suddenly, he no longer had a benevolent smile, and his face suddenly became very serious.

"Miss An belongs to the young master. If you want to take her away, you must get the consent of the young master. After all, the young master likes Miss An very much."

What Nade said was obvious, but without Lu Yuchen's permission, they couldn't take An Qiaoran away. If they took them away by force, Lu Yuchen would definitely be angry.

At that time, things will not be easy to take away.

It has to be said that Steward De has seen people in the world, so he can handle such small things.

(End of this chapter)

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