Chapter 316 Cure Your Lovesickness
Sun Xu froze for a second, staring at the pendant on An Qiaoran's neck in a daze.

It was because of this... that Lu Yuchen married her?

"Why?" Sun Xu asked suspiciously, does this pendant have other meanings?And to Lu Yuchen, is it very important?

An Qiaoran was in a daze for a moment, and then said, "Maybe it's because I am the owner of this pendant!"

An Qiaoran said without thinking about this topic, "Okay, I've answered you, now, I'm going to continue my review, I must pass the final exam before going abroad."

After finishing speaking, An Qiaoran looked down at the book, not going to pay any more attention to Sun Xu.

Seeing her like this, Sun Xu couldn't say anything more, and returned to his seat.


Back at the villa at night, during dinner, An Qiaoran told Lu Yuchen that he was selected, and Lu Yuchen's expression was not very good.

"You don't seem to want me to go abroad?" An Qiaoran picked up a piece of ribs, then looked at the gloomy Lu Yuchen opposite, and asked.

"Do you think that if you leave me for half a year, I will send you off with a smile?" Lu Yuchen glanced at her displeased, put down the bowl and chopsticks, lost the mood to eat, and had a stinky face.

"It's not that I'm going to raise a bad guy, I'm going to do something serious." An Qiaoran looked at him like this, feeling a little helpless.

And it was only half a year, so it passed quickly.

Lu Yuchen's face didn't look much better either, he pursed his thin lips tightly and didn't speak.

An Qiaoran looked at him like this and didn't know what to say.

You have to comfort Zhao Qiaoqiao at school, and Lu Yuchen at home, and the ones at home are obviously more difficult to serve than those at school.

An Qiaoran lowered his head and took a few mouthfuls of food, then he thought of something and looked up at Lu Yuchen.

"Lu Yuchen, I promise you, when I come back, I will join your IE medical team, and then I will be your personal doctor to treat your lovesickness, how about it?"

I thought Lu Yuchen would be overjoyed after hearing this, but unexpectedly Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and glared at her, "Who has lovesickness?"

"Then if you are afraid of lovesickness? Why don't you want me to go abroad?"

I don't know who had a dark face just now after hearing her saying that she was going abroad, but now it is arrogant.

"Who said I don't want you to go abroad?" Lu Yuchen subconsciously refuted her, but after he finished speaking, he regretted it.

What did he say?
"Then you agree?" An Qiaoran smiled happily as his plan succeeded.


Lu Yuchen's face was already extremely ugly.

Damn it, he was tricked by this silly woman!Seeing An Qiaoran's happy face, why did he want to beat her up so much?

He was reluctant.

"Don't talk when you sleep, don't eat or drink, how many words have you said, eat yours quickly!" Lu Yuchen snorted coldly at her, then got up and left.

Make phone calls while walking.

An Qiaoran looked at his back as he left, feeling very helpless.

This man is so worried about her!Or...does he not want to lose sight of her?

Maybe the latter.

An Qiaoran went upstairs after a hasty meal, and saw Lu Yuchen in the study. He was sitting behind the desk, and he seemed to be holding a cigarette and a lighter in his hand.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran quickly ran over and snatched the cigarette from his hand, "No smoking!"

With him for so long, he has never smoked, but I saw him drink.

But she doesn't like smoking or drinking.

Seeing how nervous she was, Lu Yuchen couldn't help laughing, "Have you eaten yet?"

An Qiaoran nodded, and said seriously, "You are not allowed to smoke!"

Saying that, An Qiaoran also sniffed the study room, there was no smell of smoke, An Qiaoran was relieved.

Lu Yuchen didn't answer, just looked at her like this, not knowing what was calculating in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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