Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 322 Her Husband's "Prestige" in the Company

Chapter 322 Her Husband's "Prestige" in the Company

"From what you said, brother-in-law seems to be very powerful! What does he do?"

An Qiaoli found herself very interested in this sudden brother-in-law.

"He..." An Qiaoran propped his chin with his hands, thought for a moment, and then said, "He is in big business, has IE heard of it?"

An Qiaoran wanted to show off in front of his sister again, so he said it quite literally.

"Everyone in Beicheng knows it! Does my brother-in-law work in IE? What is his position?"

An Qiaoli didn't compare her brother-in-law with the legendary president of IE at all, or she didn't think of that at all.

"His position is great."

"General manager? Chairman?"

"Bigger." An Qiaoran continued to play tricks.

"What the hell is that?" An Qiaoli couldn't guess, the chairman was old enough.

"Your brother-in-law is Lu Yuchen, the big boss behind IE. Are you serious?" An Qiaoran proudly raised an eyebrow at An Qiaoli, wanting to see her shocked expression.

However, she couldn't see An Qiaoli's shock at all. Instead, she looked at her with contempt, "Sister, why didn't I know when you were so good at bragging?"

An Qiaoran: "..."

Is she blowing?She is very serious, okay?

"Who is Lu Yuchen, the president of IE? That is the master that we will never see in this lifetime. How can you still marry him? Sister, don't lie to me." Qiao Ran lied to her.

For An Qiaoli's disbelief, An Qiaoran was also very helpless and could only speak.

"You don't believe it, do you? Then I'll take you to the legendary IE headquarters and let your brother-in-law tell you who he is."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he dragged An Qiaoli down the stairs quickly, then took a taxi to the IE headquarters, and arrived at the office on the top floor without any hindrance.

An Qiaoran pulled An Qiaoli to stand in front of the president's office, and said to An Qiaoli, "Did you see it? This is your brother-in-law's office."

An Qiaoli didn't believe it very much on the way here, but she had no choice but to believe it when she arrived here smoothly.

Where is IE?If you want to see the president, you have to make an appointment, but they walked all the way just now, no one stopped them at all, but the security guard bent over An Qiaoran.

This is enough to prove her brother-in-law's ability.

"Sister, are you really married to the president of IE?" An Qiaoli turned to look at An Qiaoran in shock at this time, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Of course." An Qiaoran patted her chest proudly, "I am their president's wife now."

As soon as An Qiaoran finished speaking, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and the disheveled Ah Heng came out in a hurry.

Seeing An Qiaoli, I was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Qiaoran, and said respectfully, "Is the wife here to find Mr. Lu?"

"Well, is he busy now?" An Qiaoran put on the clothes of Mrs. Lu and asked seriously.

"Boss Lu... is very busy..." He was busy scolding those people in the conference room, if he hadn't come to get the documents from the office, he would probably have been scolded badly.

"Isn't it time for lunch break?" He is really dedicated!I didn't forget to work during my lunch break.

"Boss Lu is having a meeting in the conference room..." Ah Heng said, suddenly thought of something, and then looked at An Qiaoran, "Madam, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Now Mr. Lu turned the entire meeting room upside down because of a small matter in the company, and all the Gao Cheng who attended the meeting were scolded bloody.

He also wanted his wife to see her husband's "majesty" in the company.

(End of this chapter)

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