Chapter 328 Where is An Qiaoran?

When An Qiaoli bought the cake and came out, she didn't see An Qiaoran's presence.


She stood at the door of the cake shop and called for a while, but there was no response.

She had no choice but to borrow the mobile phone of the cake shop owner and call An Qiaoran, but the phone was turned off.

An Qiaoli panicked immediately.

In her image, her sister is the person who loves her the most besides her mother, and it is impossible for her to leave her alone.

But sister, where did she go?
There was a light rain in the sky, but An Qiaoli squatted helplessly on the ground, crying silently.

Where did my sister go?She can't find her way home, she doesn't know where this is, what should she do?
There was no one on the street, An Qiaoli squatted in the corner, tears couldn't stop falling, the rain slapped her body, her hair was soaked by the rain, she was in a panic.

Suddenly, a seemingly invisible light flashed through her eyes, An Qiaoli raised her eyes, and saw the rose-patterned diamond ring falling on the ground...

It belongs to my sister!

She remembered that her sister said that this ring was given to her by her brother-in-law, and she cherished it very much, and it was impossible to take it off, unless something happened to her and it fell from her finger.

Something happened to my sister!
An Qiaoli's head was instantly startled by this thought, she quickly picked up the diamond ring on the ground, took a taxi and went to the IE headquarters in Mid-Levels.

Now there is only one person who can save my sister, and that is my brother-in-law!


"Brother-in-law, my sister is gone!" An Qiaoli ran up to Lu Yuchen as soon as she entered the CEO's office, said nervously, and put the ring on the desk.

"What?" Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stood up quickly and looked at the ring on the desk. It was indeed that he personally put it on An Qiaoran on the island of love.

"Where did you go? Why did she disappear?" Lu Yuchen held the diamond ring tightly in his hand, and asked An Qiaoli with a gloomy expression.

An Qiaoli couldn't stand Lu Yuchen's fright, so she quickly told Lu Yuchen what happened just now.

At the end, she cried, "It's my fault, I shouldn't be so greedy, if I stay with my sister all the time, she will be fine."

An Qiaoli cried so sad that Lu Yuchen was upset by crying, "Don't cry, take me to the scene of the accident!"

Women are trouble!If An Qiaoran saw her like this, she would probably cry along with her.

Lu Yuchen's speed was very fast, and the cake shop next to the alley was quickly surrounded by many bodyguards.

Holding a black umbrella, Ah Heng stood beside Lu Yuchen with a gloomy face, and began to report the situation.

"The wife's cell phone has not been connected until now. I just asked someone to check the surveillance of the cake shop. The wife was fainted and taken away. Now there is nothing left except for the ring that An Qiaoli picked up. From this point of view, this person is very experienced."

Lu Yuchen's face was very gloomy the whole time, and his voice was terribly low, "I don't need to listen to such nonsense, I just want you to tell me where An Qiaoran is now."

Ah Heng lowered his head silently.He didn't know who kidnapped his wife.

But Lu Yuchen suddenly turned around and looked at the man behind him who had kept his head down.

She walked over, stood in front of the man, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, where is An Qiaoran?"

Hearing this, the man's legs softened, and he knelt on the ground, "I'm sorry, Young Master Lu, I didn't protect Miss An well..."

"I paid you to secretly protect An Qiaoran, and that's how you protect? Hmm?" Lu Yuchen was exuding hostility at this moment, and no one dared to say anything more.

The man even lowered his head, Lu Yuchen suddenly kicked the man in the chest, staring at him with bloodshot eyes and shouting, "Tell me where is An Qiaoran?"

(End of this chapter)

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