Chapter 346 Where is she now?

After Sun Xu lit the fire and boiled the water, he saw An Qiaoran in a daze. Thinking of her situation today, he decided to ask.

"Ran Ran, tell me the truth, what happened between you and Lu Yuchen? Did you quarrel?"

quarrel?No.What happened?It seems not.It's just because a pendant is hurting.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry." An Qiaoran raised her eyes to meet his worried eyes, and smiled indifferently.

"But you are very unusual today, and there seem to be many things hidden in your eyes." Sun Xu looked at her sad eyes, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

"No, that's your illusion. I'm fine." To prove that she was fine, An Qiaoran smiled very hard.

Unfortunately, such a smile is uglier than crying.

Sun Xu saw that she refused to speak, so he didn't intend to ask any more, and beat the eggs.


After leaving, Lu Yuchen went to the police station, and then drove the car under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the middle of the mountain.

Sitting in the car alone, looking at the stone painting on the stone, holding the heart-shaped pendant in his hand...

In my mind is the conversation with Chen Guangren at the police station.

"Why do you have this pendant?" Lu Yuchen stared at Chen Guangren behind the glass with bloodshot eyes, and his voice was extremely cold.

Chen Guangren glanced at it indifferently, and said calmly, "No comment."

"I don't want to ask the same question again!" Lu Yuchen continued to stare at her, his voice was extremely cold, as if he wanted to swallow him up!


Chen Guangren didn't speak.

"If you don't say anything, I'll destroy Chen Lanxue!" He knew that Chen Guangren's weakness was his own daughter.

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Yuchen's words, Chen Guangren's face suddenly changed, "Lu Yuchen, don't be foolish!"

"Answer my question!" Lu Yuchen didn't have time to talk nonsense with him.

Chen Guangren lowered his head, thought for a moment, and then said, "I picked it up."


Chen Guangren picked up this pendant, and he also checked the one on An Qiaoran's neck. Chen Guangren said that An Qiaoran had been wearing it since she was a child.

That means that An Qiaoran has been wearing it all the time, and Chen Guangren picked up another one...

Who is he looking for?

One is An Qiaoran, and the other is to find out the origin of this pendant.

But... no one can find out, and if he can't find out, he will never know who she is!
He frowned tightly, clenched the pendant in his hand, and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

The phone beside him vibrated suddenly, and he glanced at the screen, it was Nade.

He reached out and picked it up impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the young lady said that she won't be going home tonight. There will be a farewell party in a few days. She may have gone to her friend's house."

not going home...

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's body suddenly froze, and thinking of An Qiaoran made him even more irritable.

She pursed her lips, and then said, "Leave her alone."

"But young master, if you ignore the young lady like this, she will be sad." Nade still couldn't help but speak.

After all, before the second pendant appeared, the relationship between the young master and the young lady was still very good.

But now, regardless of one of them, he doesn't know what the young master thinks.

An Qiaoran... sad...

Thinking of An Qiaoran crying, he felt even worse. Thinking of the bullet she blocked for him, his heart suddenly became very troubled.

As for what he was struggling with, he didn't know.

Lu Yuchen thought about the memories of being with An Qiaoran a lot, and after a long time, he asked again, "Where is she now?"

Hearing Lu Yuchen's question, Nade knew that he was going to find the young lady, so he said excitedly, "Young lady is at that Sun Xu's house, young master, go find her!"

(End of this chapter)

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