Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 350 Chen Lanxue Has Already Went Abroad

Chapter 350 Chen Lanxue Has Already Went Abroad
What is the relationship between this photo and this pendant... and the pendant on An Qiaoran's body?I am afraid that only Chen Guangren knows the answer.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen pursed his lips, put the photo in his trouser pocket, turned the steering wheel, turned the direction, and drove to the police station.

Looking at Lu Yuchen's reaction, An Qiaoran knew that he was definitely going to find Chen Guangren, just to ask what was going on.

All the way to the police station, because of Lu Yuchen's identity, he went straight into the visiting room and met Chen Guangren.

It was very late, and Chen Guangren had already fallen asleep, but he was still called up by the prison guards to see Lu Yuchen.

As soon as he saw Chen Guangren coming out, Lu Yuchen immediately put the pendant and the photo on the table, glared at Chen Guangren and asked, "The origin of the photo!"

Chen Guangren looked at the photo on the table, his face remained unchanged, but he still shook his head, "Young Master Lu, you mean that my family found this photo?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell me clearly! Who gave you the photo, what did he do for you, and this pendant, did that person also give it to you?"

Lu Yuchen was almost deceived by him. Judging from everything now, he definitely didn't pick up this pendant, and it must have something to do with the person who took the photo.

"Young Master Lu, I don't understand what you're talking about." Chen Guangren smiled, pretending to be stupid, and said in a daze, "I picked up this pendant, it wasn't given to me by anyone, why don't you believe it, Young Master Lu? "

"Don't understand? I think you can only understand if you let your daughter ask you?" Lu Yuchen sharpened his eyes and spoke as a warning.

Chen Guangren looked at Lu Yu and fell silent in embarrassment.After thinking for a while, he raised his eyes to look at Lu Yuchen again, "I'm sorry, Young Master Lu, I don't know who this photo is, I don't know, so don't embarrass me."

Chen Guangren looked embarrassed, as if he really didn't know.

He doesn't even care about his daughter Chen Lanxue, doesn't he really know?
An Qiaoran thought to herself, then looked at Chen Guangren, and said, "Think carefully, if you don't say anything, Lu Yuchen will not let Chen Lanxue go, and I believe you will not let go of your precious daughter."

This matter is indeed a mystery, if Chen Guangren doesn't tell, Lu Yuchen probably won't be able to find out.

After all, if he had been sure, he wouldn't have asked in the middle of the night.

Things that even Lu Yuchen couldn't find out seemed to be really tricky.

And Chen Guangren would rather not keep Chen Lanxue, but also keep it secret, it seems that it is a big secret.

But what does this matter have to do with it?

What's going on behind this?

"Ran Ran, do you also think that I don't want to say it?" Chen Guangren looked up at her helplessly, "I really don't know, so don't embarrass me."

Hearing what Chen Guangren said, An Qiaoran was also helpless, so he looked at Lu Yuchen and asked me in a low voice, "It seems that he really doesn't know."

"Impossible!" Lu Yuchen vetoed it with certainty, then looked coldly at Chen Guangren, who looked sleepy but without any fear, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"In 10 minutes, find Chen Lanxue and kill her!" Lu Yuchen ordered coldly into the phone, his voice extremely cold.

"Mr. Lu, I'm about to tell you that Chen Lanxue has already left the country this afternoon."

"What?" Lu Yuchen was furious, subconsciously looked at Chen Guangren who was dozing off, his face was extremely gloomy.

"I found out that she bought a plane ticket to country A, and... a man followed her on the plane."

(End of this chapter)

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