Chapter 356 Sister Save Me
"Since you haven't changed your mind, why didn't he come to see you off when you left? Sister, don't lie to me, can you tell me?" An Qiaoli held her arm and looked at her pleadingly, Hope she can give her an answer.

An Qiaoran looked at An Qiaoli like this, feeling a little helpless, "It's nothing, Lily, don't worry about it."

As long as Lu Yuchen didn't find that girl for a day, it was impossible for her to tell anyone these words.

Because as long as that girl doesn't show up for a day, she will still have endless possibilities to stay by Lu Yuchen's side.

She fell in love with this man, for this man, she was on the verge of life and death, but now, just because of a woman, she is about to give up, she is not willing!She doesn't want that girl to show up again!
She didn't know why she became like this, maybe it was because she fell in love with Lu Yuchen, or maybe it was because she still firmly believed in her heart that Lu Yuchen still had a place for her in his heart.

She had been with him for more than a year, and he cared for her in every possible way, not just because of the pendant.

Perhaps on a certain day, at a certain time, at a certain inadvertent moment, he has fallen in love with her?It's just...he hasn't realized her importance yet.

Seeing her like this, other people couldn't ask any more questions.

An Qiaoran was very preoccupied, and she would not speak out about many important things, just because she was afraid that they would worry.

That being the case, why should she make it difficult for her to speak out?

Several people were eating in silence, no one spoke anymore, it was very peaceful.

When going back, An Qiaoran wanted to be alone for a while, so he let them go back first, and came to the lakeside park by himself, sat on a bench, stared at the island in the center of the lake in a daze.

There is also an island in the center of the lake, which is very similar to the love island that Lu Yuchen took her to.

Now she suddenly thought of the way Lu Yuchen believed that she was that girl and looked into her eyes swearingly.Those eyes were full of admiration and pampering.

An Qiaoran raised his hand, glanced at the ring on it, his eyes dimmed.The previous oath lingered in her mind.

【An Qiaoran, whether you are that person or not, I will never give up on you. 】

This is what Lu Yuchen said to her, but now, he doesn't think so.

Why do these men always say nice things to deceive people?

An Qiaoran sat here for a long time, the sky had already darkened, the dim street lights on the side of the road were turned on one after another, and there were fewer pedestrians in the park.

When An Qiaoran got up and was about to leave, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

"Damn girl, stop for me!"

An Qiaoran heard the sound and looked over, and saw a woman in a green sportswear running towards her frantically, followed by a ferocious man.

Seeing such a scene, An Qiaoran was a little stunned.

Those men looked like hired bodyguards, and this woman didn't look very old. Why did these people chase her?

Before An Qiaoran had time to think, someone grabbed his arm suddenly, lowered his eyes, and met a pair of begging eyes.

"Sister, help me, there are bad guys chasing me." The woman looked at her beggingly, and the bad guys she said should also be those who were chasing.


Just when An Qiaoran didn't know how to reply her, those people had already caught up, "See where you are going now!"

The woman was terrified by these people, and quickly hid behind An Qiaoran, "Sister must save me, these people are not good people."

(End of this chapter)

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