Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 360 The Crown Prince of Country A, Yun Mo

Chapter 360 The Crown Prince of Country A, Yun Mo

Unexpectedly, the prince of Country A would enjoy it quite a bit, not to mention living on the island, but also living in the castle.

She has never heard of this prince, and she doesn't know what kind of person he is.

Under the pressure of the two bodyguards, An Qiaoran and the others came all the way to the castle.

Walking through the cobbled road, you came to the gate.A middle-aged man in his 40s walked towards them.

"Tezhu Cao, are you back?" He was talking to the leading man.

Cao Qing nodded, "Well, I have already brought this girl, where is the young master? I have something to tell him."

"The young master is upstairs in the study!" As he spoke, the man noticed An Qiaoran beside him, "This girl is..."

"Housekeeper, I'll tell you about this later, I'll take them up to see the young master first." After speaking, Cao Qing made a gesture of invitation to An Qiaoran and Lan Yan.

An Qiaoran walked in without saying a word, followed closely by Lan Yan.

Under the leadership of Cao Qing, An Qiaoran went all the way to the study on the second floor.

Cao Qing knocked on the door of the study, "Master, I have already brought Miss Lan Yan back."

Not long after the words were finished, the door of the study was opened, and the man saw Lan Yan beside An Qiaoran and hugged her in his arms, "Damn girl, where have you been, do you know that I was frightened by you?"

The man's voice is nice, with a cool feeling.

The man was wearing a black shirt and trousers, about the same height as Lu Yuchen, with short flowing hair and exquisite facial features.

I have to say that this man is very handsome, but if he is compared with Lu Yuchen, he is not so handsome.

From what he said just now, Lan Yan seems to be very familiar with him...

By the way, the leading man said that today is Lan Yan and his big day, so they are still a couple.

However, why did Lan Yan run away from marriage?

Could it be a forced marriage?What's the trick here?

The prince hugged Lan Yan for a long time, but Lan Yan didn't show any expression, just let the man hug her, and seemed to have no reaction to him.

After a long time, the prince let go of Lan Yan, and stared at Lan Yan with a pair of black eyes.

"Why did you run? Did I treat you badly? So many people are here today, you just left me and ran away? Do you know how embarrassing I am? How can I save face? Ah?"

The man's tone was a little angry, but not to the point of anger, at least much better than Lu Yuchen.

No, why does she always compare this man with Lu Yuchen?

"You clearly know that I don't like you." Lan Yan looked at him, and then spoke with contempt in her voice.

She didn't like him in the first place, this marriage was just his own idea, and it was only natural for her to escape from marriage.

"Yan'er, I don't want to hear you say that again." The man was obviously tinged with anger by what she said, and his voice was a little cold.

As the man spoke, he noticed An Qiaoran at the side, with doubts in his eyes, "Who is she?"

An Qiaoran was about to answer, when Cao Qing on the side spoke first, "Master, this is Lu Yuchen's wife in Beicheng, An Qiaoran."

"Miss An, this is our prince, Yun Mo."

"Hello! Prince." An Qiaoran greeted Yun Mo.

Yun Mo looked at her, showing a puzzled expression, and asked in disbelief, "Are you Lu Yuchen's wife?"

Since when did that kid Lu Yuchen have an extra wife?

An Qiaoran didn't expect Yunmo to ask such a question, and was a little at a loss.

It was as if she was Lu Yuchen's wife so she was very rare.

Everyone looks like this.

(End of this chapter)

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