Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 376 There Is An Impulse To Overwhelm Her

Chapter 376 There is an urge to overwhelm her
An Qiaoran lay on Lu Yuchen's chest with her whole body, her cheeks pressed against Lu Yuchen's chest, causing the temperature of her whole face to rise, and a blush appeared on her face.

The same Lu Yuchen looked at her on the chest, his whole body was shocked, and he lowered his eyes to stare at her.

At the same time, An Qiaoran slowly raised her head and saw Lu Yuchen's face. In just this second, she couldn't leave her anymore.

Ever since the pendant reappeared, she and Lu Yuchen had never been this close again.

Now that such an accident happened, she felt a little... didn't want to leave, so she just stared at Lu Yuchen and looked up.

Lu Yuchen was also looking at her deeply, time seemed to have stopped, no one spoke, the two on the sofa just looked at each other.

After a long time, Lu Yuchen's voice suddenly sounded, "My legs are numb."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran reacted as if waking up from a dream, quickly propped himself up, sat aside, blushed and lowered his head, "I'm sorry."

Lu Yuchen straightened up, sat upright, and looked at An Qiaoran, who was bowing his head and blushing, and his heart was touched.

The next second, his hands suddenly grasped her shoulders, turned her around to face him, then lowered his eyes, and looked at her carefully.

Seeing the shyness on her face, he actually had an urge to overwhelm her.

This feeling seems to have not passed for a long time.

A few days ago, he slept in a separate room with her because of the pendant, so that he didn't touch her for a long time.

He thought that he would not touch her until he was sure about the real girl, but now... the feeling in his heart is so strong.

"An Qiaoran, did you wear some improper perfume?"

His rationality was gradually dissipating as time went on, and he wanted to overwhelm her so much at this moment.

But that's impossible, he told himself in his heart, before he found out the truth, he would never touch her, but now...

Hearing his low voice, An Qiaoran looked up at him suspiciously, "What illegal perfume?"

What did he mean by that?
Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but his eyes suddenly became gloomy, and the hand that grabbed her shoulder couldn't help but increase his strength.

He was forbearing, he was restraining himself, but An Qiaoran didn't know it.

Seeing that his expression was wrong and worried, he stretched out his hand to hold his handsome cheek, and asked nervously.

"Lu Yuchen, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the fine sweat on his forehead, An Qiaoran was very worried. There is an air conditioner in this room, so she feels very cool, so it shouldn't be too hot!
Feeling her touch, Lu Yuchen's whole body trembled, he quickly stretched out his hand to push her away, stood up, said "I'm fine", then turned around, looked for the direction of the bathroom, and walked in.

An Qiaoran, who was pushed to the sofa by him, looked at the closed bathroom door, and felt a chill in his heart.

Lu Yuchen... Does he not want her to touch him?That's why he pushed her away in such disgust just now.

It turns out that this is the difference between love and not love.

He thought he wasn't that girl, so he didn't even let her touch her.

But if he really didn't care about her at all, why would he come here regardless after knowing that she was trapped on the island, and then stay and let her cook for him.

If he really didn't care about her at all, why did he worry so much after her hand was hurt?

Lu Yuchen, what is he thinking?
Thinking of everything, An Qiaoran's eyes were already filled with tears, which were about to fall.

Suddenly, with a "bang", the bathroom door was slammed open. An Qiaoran raised her head subconsciously, and saw Lu Yuchen, who was already naked, standing in front of the bathroom door.

With one hand propped against the wall, water was poured all over his body, and the water dripped on every inch of his body.

Looking at her deeply, the deep eyes seemed to be deliberately suppressing something...

(End of this chapter)

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