Chapter 379 I Forbid You to Go!
An Qiaoran looked at his firm eyes and listened to what he said, she was completely stunned, not knowing how to react.

He said...he would not divorce her, and he said it in a sworn tone.

Could it be that she had auditory hallucinations? How could Lu Yuchen promise her?Also said such things.

"So An Qiaoran, I hope you don't think about those useless things all day long, and don't cry all day because of some trivial things. You just need to remember that you... will always be Mrs. Lu."

Lu Yuchen continued to look at her, his voice was deep and pleasant, and his eyes were extremely firm.

An Qiaoran didn't know how long she was in a daze before she found her own voice, "Are you comforting me because you see me sad?"

"I, Lu Yuchen, never tell lies!" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and said disdainfully.

He watched her cry and felt uncomfortable, and it was indeed because of what she said last night that he opened his mouth to say these things to her.

But... what he said is not false.

Lu Yuchen's firm answer made An Qiaoran completely silent.

I have to say that she was shocked when Lu Yuchen suddenly promised her that he would not divorce.But after being shocked, he couldn't help worrying.

But she didn't know what she was worried about, she was just very flustered.

An Qiaoran didn't say anything else, just lowered his head and ate the food absent-mindedly.

After the whole meal, the atmosphere was very depressing, An Qiaoran packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen, while Lu Yuchen answered the phone in the bedroom.

Today is the weekend, so An Qiaoran doesn't need to go to the hospital.

Because he was in a bad mood, An Qiaoran didn't wash the dishes and just stayed in the living room watching TV.

However, just as she picked up the remote control, the mobile phone on the tea machine rang, and it belonged to Zhao Qiaoqiao.

Before she pressed the answer button, Zhao Qiaoqiao spoke nervously.

"It's not good, Ran Ran, something happened to Lily."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran stood up in shock, "What's wrong with Lily? Didn't you tell me that she went out to play?"

After she and Lan Yan went to the island, Zhao Qiaoqiao told her that An Qiaoli went out to play out of curiosity, and it was too late for her to stop her, so she let her go.

But now, what happened to her?
"I just got a call from her mobile phone, but it wasn't her, it was a man."


"Yes, that man seems to know that you are also in country A, so...he asked me to tell you that if you want to save Lily, you have to go to a villa in the suburbs outside the city to change someone at five o'clock this afternoon."

As Zhao Qiaoqiao said, she became even more worried, "Ran Ran, I've never heard that man's voice, and I'm sure I don't know him at all, but he seems to know you very well, who do you think it is? You But don't go there!"

"No matter who he is, I can't leave Lily alone!"

Her life is built on Lily, if Lily is gone, she is meaningless.

"But Ran Ran, we don't even know who the other party is, so you really can't do it rashly!"

"It's only eight o'clock in the morning. I still have time. Jojo, don't worry, I'll be fine."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and searched for Lily's phone number.

Just as she was about to press her finger down, Lu Yuchen suddenly came to her side and asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

An Qiaoran heard his voice, turned to look at him, and said subconsciously, "Lily was kidnapped, I don't know who it is, but he wants me to replace Lily this afternoon."


"Lily is my younger sister. I can't ignore her. There is no room for consideration in this matter. I must save her."

An Qiaoran's eyes were firm, without the slightest hesitation.

But after Lu Yuchen listened to her words, his whole face darkened immediately, and he growled sharply, "I won't let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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