Chapter 385 Wait for me to save you!

The man didn't show any expression to Lu Yuchen's cold warning, but stood there with a straight face, without any reaction.

Lu Yuchen's gaze shifted from the man to An Qiaoran's, with deep eyes, "An Qiaoran, wait for me to save you!"

After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at her, then took a step forward with his long legs, held her face in his hands without any explanation, and put his thin lips on hers.

The sudden kiss made An Qiaoran's eyes widen involuntarily, and he was shocked for a while, then reached out and hugged his waist, and closed his eyes.

I don't know if this is the last kiss between her and him, but suddenly her chest hurts so much that she wants to cry.

After a long time, Lu Yuchen finally let her go, took a deep look at her, and said two words: "Don't be afraid", then turned around and walked out of the hall.

The two rows of bodyguards also left, and the hall fell silent for a moment, and An Qiaoran's heart also became empty.

Watching the back of Lu Yuchen's departure for a moment, she didn't turn to look at the man behind her until there was no trace of him, and asked coldly, "I've already stayed, where is my sister?"

"Unexpectedly, Miss An and Lu Yuchen have a very good relationship!" Before answering her question, the man couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry! I'll take you there right away, but my legs are useless, I'm afraid I can't walk gone."

As soon as the man finished speaking, his legs could no longer support the weight of his body, and he sat on the sofa without any strength left.

"What should I do?"

Whether he can walk or not has nothing to do with her, she only cares about Lily's safety now.

"I can't walk but I can make a phone call! What are you doing in such a hurry?" the man said, and stretched out his hand to her.

An Qiaoran subconsciously took a step back and looked at him warily, "What are you going to do?"

"Let me borrow your phone."

An Qiaoran looked at him deeply, and didn't intend to take out his phone.

She doesn't believe him.

"What? Don't want to save your sister?" The man looked at her and laughed mockingly.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran thought for a moment, then took out the phone, unlocked it, and handed it to him.

The man took the phone, looked at the phone carefully, and then smiled, "I didn't expect you to use an IE phone. You two have a good relationship?"

"It has nothing to do with you. I want you to let my sister go now."

An Qiaoran was not interested in his questions at all, she just wanted to know where Lily was and whether An was safe.

"I'm going to let her go sooner or later, and I'm not in a hurry!" The man clapped his hands as he said.

Afterwards, two men in black clothes walked in, went straight to the man's side, and stretched out their hands to help him up.

The man stood up with the support of two men, looked at An Qiaoran, "I will take you to a place first, and then release your sister."

"No! I want you to let her go now!"

An Qiaoran still can't figure out what this man is going to do!It doesn't matter if she's in danger or not, Lily must be all right.

"I have the final say here!" The man seemed to be impatient with what she said, and growled at her.

"Let me tell you, don't piss me off, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will keep my promise and let your sister go! You are already here, let me go or not, I said Calculate!"

The man gave her a cold look, and then, with the support of the two men, went upstairs to the villa.

"If you want to save your sister, come up to me!"

After saying this, the man disappeared at the stairs and went up the stairs step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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