Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 387 Taking the chapter and everything that belongs to him

Chapter 387 Take back everything that belongs to him

Lu Feng's words stunned An Qiaoran for a while, "What conditions?"

Lu Feng put down his wine glass, stood up, walked in front of her, clearly saw the pendant on her neck, and the corners of his mouth curled up inadvertently.

"You and Lu Yuchen have a good relationship, right? I want you to do me a favor, and this favor can only be done by you, and it's very easy."

"What are you busy with?"

Lu Feng didn't answer immediately, but stretched out his hand suddenly. The two men behind understood, took out a file bag from the cabinet behind the sofa, and handed it to him.

Lu Feng took it, handed it to An Qiaoran, and said, "You just need to ask Lu Yuchen to stamp and sign this document, and I will let your sister go."

An Qiaoran looked at the document bag he handed over, and was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take it, opened it, and clearly saw the large and bold black title on it.

【Share Transfer Agreement】

An Qiaoran saw the general content below, his face was stained with anger, he closed the document abruptly, raised his eyes and stared at him, "I don't agree!"

"Don't speak too harshly, you should think it through before you speak." Lu Feng didn't feel angry because of An Qiaoran's anger, but said calmly.

"There is no room for consideration in this matter at all, I will not do it!"

An Qiaoran stared at Lu Feng, and spoke decisively and firmly.

This matter concerns Lu Yuchen, she will never do it!
"Then you won't save your sister?" Lu Feng looked at her amusedly, "You can ignore yourself, don't you even ignore your sister?"

Lu Feng's words made An Qiao's body freeze instantly, and all the blood in his body froze.

younger sister……

"I can tell you clearly that no one in this world can save your sister except me! Even if Lu Yuchen really finds her, without your cooperation, your sister will still die!"

Lu Feng spoke firmly, with a decisive and harsh voice.

Hearing his words, An Qiaoran's heart tightened suddenly, and she turned to look up at him, "What did you do to my sister? Why did she die?"

"What do you think?" Lu Feng raised his eyebrows at her, "I injected a virus I made in her body, and she will be injected with the serum I gave her once a month, but no longer than half a year at most, otherwise, the injection No amount of serum will help, she will still freeze her blood and suffocate to death."


Listening to Lu Feng's words, An Qiaoran's body was completely frozen in place, without any reaction.

"If you want to cure her toxicity, you can only use me to give me the antidote. You are so smart, you should know how to save your sister."

After the words were over, Lu Feng didn't say any more, he went back to the sofa and sat down, continued to taste the unfinished wine, waiting for An Qiaoran's answer.

An Qiaoran was already frozen there. After listening to Lu Feng's words, it was as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

Virus... Lily... Serum... Antidote...

"You are a lunatic! You are going to assassinate my sister just because of the position of president! You pervert! Crazy!"

An Qiaoran yelled at Lu Feng excitedly as if going crazy, his eyes were wide open, and tears were rolling inside.

The content of the agreement is to transfer all the shares of Lu Yuchen in IE to him, so that he can be the president of IE in a legitimate way.

Just because of these trumped-up reputations, he is going to kill her sister, he is a lunatic!
Lu Feng was yelled at by An Qiaoran, and his face turned livid. He was so angry that he threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground, stared at An Qiaoran and yelled, "You know what!"

"Let me tell you, if it wasn't for Lu Yuchen and that girl's appearance, IE's inheritance rights would have been mine! Everything that Lu Yuchen owns now is mine! I just want to take back everything that belongs to me! You Women don't understand at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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