Chapter 389 Country A with An Qiaoran

An Qiaoran took the file bag, blindfolded her, and two men took her out of the villa.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of the villa, Lu Yuchen brought a group of people to her and grabbed her arm nervously, "An Qiaoran, did they do anything to you?"


An Qiaoran's mind was in a mess, he didn't answer his words, and his whole body was extremely dull.

Seeing her silent and dull eyes, Lu Yuchen was even more worried, "An Qiaoran, you should say something!"

Did she know that he was very worried looking at her like this, what happened to her?
An Qiaoran recovered from his thoughts, raised his eyes and looked at him, seeing the worry in his eyes, the tip of his nose suddenly felt sore.

Immediately afterwards, she leaned into his arms recklessly, cried unscrupulously, and choked out his name, "Lu Yuchen..."

Who can tell her what she is going to do now?What can she do?She wanted to save Lili, but she couldn't betray Lu Yuchen, she couldn't bear to hurt him...

But what about Lily's poison?Lily would die without the antidote, she couldn't live without Lily.

Looking at the woman who suddenly threw herself into his arms, Lu Yuchen was stunned for a while, but he couldn't reach out to pat her back to comfort her when he heard her choked up voice.

After hugging her for a long time, Lu Yuchen finally let go of her, staring at her bright red eyes with deep eyes, and said in a low voice, "Did he do something to you? Did they beat you? Did they scold you?"

Hearing Lu Yuchen ask so many questions in one breath, An Qiaoran couldn't help shaking his head with some relief, "No...they didn't do anything to me, they just talked to me about some things."

Don't let Lu Yuchen know about the documents.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuchen asked with a frown.

Just for the sake of talking about things, he would take such a lot of trouble to bring her there?

An Qiaoran was stunned by his question, and closed his eyes, "Don't ask for now, okay? I'm very tired and want to rest."

After finishing speaking, An Qiaoran staggered away from him, and walked straight to the commercial vehicle parked by the side of the road.

"Why didn't you ask about An Qiaoli's situation?" Lu Yuchen looked at her back, wondering.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was startled, then turned around with a smile, "The gangster has already told me that Lily has been rescued by you."

After finishing speaking, after making sure that Lu Yuchen had no doubts, she turned around and got into the car. In the back seat, she saw An Qiaoli who was sleeping on the seat.

Seeing that there was no scar on An Qiaoli's body, she felt relieved and reached out to touch her cheek.

Lily, don't worry, my sister will definitely save you.

Outside the car, Lu Yuchen watched An Qiaoran get into the car, and suddenly frowned.

"Mr. Lu, I feel that my wife seems a little strange, as if she has something on her mind."

Ah Heng, who was following Lu Yuchen, also noticed it, and couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen just frowned, didn't say anything, turned around and glanced at the not-so-luxurious villa, and then looked at A Heng.

"Let some people go in and have a look, no matter who is inside, arrest me!"

He didn't believe that this person tried his best to deceive An Qiaoran and just chatted. There must be some big conspiracy behind this!
"Yes, Mr. Lu."

After Ah Heng finished speaking, he gestured to a row of bodyguards on one side, and more than a dozen bodyguards rushed into the villa one by one.

"By the way, Mr. Lu, I forgot to tell you. The trace of Lu Feng that you asked me to check has already got some clues. A few days ago, that is, the day my wife came to country A, I also found him at the same time. I also came to country A, but I don’t know where.”

(End of this chapter)

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