Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 396 Possibility of Serum Development

Chapter 396 Possibility of Serum Development
The effect of the serum was very fast. After An Qiaoli was injected with the serum, the pain soon disappeared, but she was very sleepy and fell asleep.

Taking advantage of this time, An Qiaoran took the small glass bottle to the hospital and gave the bottle to the doctor.

An Qiaoran sat and waited on a chair in the corridor of the hospital, and happened to meet Nade who was coming out of the laboratory.

I don't know if it was An Qiaoran's illusion, Nade seemed to be shocked when he saw her here, and subconsciously wanted to pretend that he didn't know her.

If she hadn't seen him with sharp eyes, he would probably turn around and leave.

"Housekeeper De, why are you here?"

It's been a week, hasn't Lu Yuchen returned to Beicheng?Otherwise Nade would not be here.

Nade, who was about to leave, was stopped by An Qiaoran and turned around when he heard the sound, looking at An Qiaoran, "Young Madam, you are here too!"

"Lily is sick, I'll come to the hospital to prescribe some medicine for her, and consult a doctor by the way." An Qiaoran randomly found a reason.

"That's it!" Nade smiled kindly, and unconsciously hid his hands behind his back.

"Housekeeper De, what are you holding?" An Qiaoran asked suspiciously when he saw his hidden behavior.

Hearing this, Nade smiled awkwardly, "It's nothing! Young Madam, did you read it wrong? Oh! The young master still has something to do with me, so I'll go back first."

Saying that, Nade left the hospital as if he was running away, and soon disappeared from An Qiaoran's sight.

An Qiaoran had never seen such a reckless Nade, and felt a little helpless.

However, when she suddenly saw him here, she suddenly thought of Lu Yuchen who hadn't contacted him for a week.

On the matter of An Qiaoli, she knew that he was very angry, he was angry, and she wanted to betray him because of Lily.

That's why he hasn't contacted her for so long.

An Qiaoran was thinking about it when several doctors wearing masks came over with the test sheets.

An Qiaoran quickly stood up and asked, "How is it? Doctor? Is there any result?"

"According to our tests, the formulation of this serum is too complicated, and we can only find a small part at present. It cannot be accurately drawn out in a day or two. If we want to develop the same one, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult."

While speaking, the doctor shook his head helplessly.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Is there no other way?"

The doctor thought for a while, and then said, "There is a feasible way. That is to find a blood sample of the virus. Based on the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, we can deduce the composition of the serum. Then there may be a chance to develop this serum."

The blood sample of the virus...

But last time she took Lily's blood sample, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with it!Same as normal blood.

Could it be... can it be found out only when the poison is revealed?

Just as An Qiaoran was thinking, a doctor with a laboratory test sheet came over suddenly and talked to the doctor in front of An Qiaoran.

Although he couldn't hear it clearly, An Qiaoran seemed to hear seven words: blood sample with virus.

Without waiting for An Qiaoran to ask, the doctor suddenly said to An Qiaoran happily, "Great, with this blood sample, it will be much easier to develop the serum. Go and test it quickly, there must be a [-]% identical rate." , even the slightest difference!"


As the doctor left, An Qiaoran looked confused.

"What's the matter? Doctor?" She seemed very happy to see the doctor.

"That's right, miss. Just now, an old man took a blood sample for testing. After our research just now, we found that the serum you brought is compatible with the blood sample taken by the old man. So we are further testing the compatibility between the blood sample and the serum. , if the probability is [-]%, then it is hopeful to develop the same serum."

An Qiaoran was very happy when he heard that, "Really? Thank you doctor!"

"You're welcome, this is what we should do." The doctor said, "It will take a long time to test and develop, Miss, go back first! Wait for our good news."

"Well, thank you doctor."

After An Qiaoran thanked her, she walked out of the hospital. When she walked to the parking lot outside, she suddenly remembered the Nade she met at the hospital.

The doctor said that an old man took a blood test before her, and she happened to see Nade at that time...

Could it be... Nade was the one who took the blood sample for testing?

(End of this chapter)

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