Chapter 400 A Perfect Plan

"This is the name of the material of the serum. I checked it just now. Although it is very effective in resisting the toxicity in An Qiaoli's body. But it has a chronic venom. If it is used more than four times at most, it will produce extraordinary toxicity to the human body." , and...the poison is so strong that it will definitely kill you.”

After listening to Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran's whole body froze.

"That is to say, if Lily gets poisoned three more times, I can't use the serum to save her?" At that time, as long as she injects the serum, Lily will definitely die.

Thinking of this, An Qiaoran suddenly felt a kind of fear in his heart, and at the same time felt ashamed of Lu Feng's despicable methods!
He also said that he couldn't survive for three months due to his poor constitution, but he couldn't survive it because there was obviously a problem with his serum.

He must have guessed that she would take the serum for testing.He was forcing her to change the antidote!How despicable!

Lu Yuchen nodded in annoyance, thinking of Lu Feng, he was very angry.

"The only way he told you to save An Qiaoli was serum?" After a while, he suddenly shifted his gaze to An Qiaoran, and asked.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, and finally shook his head, "No, he said...serum can only relieve pain, but not detoxify. The in his hands."

When An Qiaoran said that, Lu Yuchen also understood, and fell silent.

The atmosphere in the room became much more depressed because of An Qiaoran's words.

After a long time, Lu Yuchen said in a dull voice, "It seems that we can only use the last resort."

"What are you going to do?" An Qiaoran asked suspiciously after listening to his words.

Now the only way to get the antidote is to get Lu Yuchen's signature. Does he have other ways?

Lu Yuchen was silent for a moment, then looked at her, "Have you brought the documents?"

"What document?" An Qiaoran asked subconsciously, and then realized, "You don't want to sign it, do you? No!"

Before Lu Yuchen could respond, An Qiaoran resolutely rejected it.

An Qiaoran's current attitude made Lu Yuchen's eyes light up, and then asked deliberately, "Why not?"

Didn't she have this idea before, and she knew his importance so soon?

"For Lily, it's not worth losing everything you have now."

An Qiaoran looked at him seriously, not joking at all, but serious.

"But to make you happy, I think it's worth it." Lu Yuchen also expressed his attitude, with an unclear smile on his brows.

When An Qiaoran heard his words, she was stunned, very puzzled, "Lu Yuchen, weren't you still angry before? Why now..."

He was so angry that he didn't want to see her before, why is he still willing now?

"Now only if I sign the agreement can I get the antidote to save An Qiaoli, isn't that what you hoped for?" Lu Yuchen took it for granted.

"I want to save Lily, but I don't want to see you..."

"Now you know how to take care of me?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help laughing when he saw the worry on her face.

"No... Lu Yuchen, what do you mean?" An Qiaoran couldn't understand him a little bit, his expression didn't look like he wanted to accept nothing.

"You think I'll turn against you so easily?" Lu Yuchen glanced at her helplessly.

"Lu Feng has been planning for so many years, so naturally I won't let him succeed, but for your sake, I naturally want to save your sister, so I came up with a perfect plan."

"What can you do?" An Qiaoran asked curiously.

 Happy Children's Day everyone, please tell me how old you are~
(End of this chapter)

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