Chapter 407 The truth of the matter (2)

Faced with Lu Feng's angry roar, Lu Yuchen acted calmly and carefully combed An Qiaoran's broken hair on his forehead, and spoke casually.

"It is true that I tampered with the document, but you can only blame you for being too impatient. You only read my signature but not the content of the document. Otherwise, I really have no way to deal with you."


Lu Feng also regretted this for a while, why he didn't see clearly at the beginning, and now, not only did he not get fame and fortune, but it also fell into Lu Yuchen's hands.

"I didn't come here today to talk to you about this. I have something to ask you. As long as you answer honestly, I will let you go."

Lu Yuchen raised his eyes to look at Lu Feng, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Heh! What do you think we can talk about?" Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuchen with a sneer, extremely uncooperative.

As far as he is concerned, if it falls into Lu Yuchen's hands, there is no possibility for him to go out again.

"That's not necessarily true." Lu Yuchen smiled inscrutably, and then took out a box from his pocket.

That's right, it was the jewelry box found in Chen's house, and it was the pendant inside.

An Qiaoran looked at this thing and was stunned.

Could it be that Lu Yuchen brought her here to ask Lu Feng about this matter?But since he hasn't confirmed it yet, why did he announce their relationship first?
An Qiaoran was puzzled.

Lu Feng looked at the jewelry box that Lu Yuchen opened, and looked at the things inside, the expression on his face froze for a while.

"Tell me, did you give this pendant to Chen Guangren?" Lu Yuchen took out the pendant and asked Lu Feng with a serious face.

Hearing this, Lu Feng froze for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Lu Yuchen, at this moment, do you think that what I have done still doesn't mean anything?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Yuchen asked forcefully, with cold air in his eyes.

"I can tell you exactly that this pendant was indeed made by me according to the graphics you drew. The purpose is to confuse you, so as to find your weakness and use her to take back IE."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran subconsciously looked at Lu Yuchen. What Lu Feng said was exactly the same as Lu Yuchen's speculation.

"Since you made it according to the picture, does it mean that you don't know where that person is?"

Lu Yuchen held the pendant in his hand, and his deep voice came out from his thin lips, with extremely deep emotions.

Hearing this, Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuchen for a long time, but did not continue to answer.

"Oh! So you've been messing around for a long time, and you just want to know the real whereabouts of that girl back then?" Lu Feng laughed mockingly as if he had seen through Lu Yuchen.

"I didn't expect Lu Yuchen, who was cold and aloof, to be so affectionate, and to be so fond of a little girl whom he had only met once."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense!" Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly became very sharp, and he stared at Lu Feng coldly, "I just want to know, where is she?"

Lu Feng was used to this kind of Lu Yuchen, so naturally he wasn't afraid, it seemed very natural.

"Now you are a beautiful woman in your arms, and the whole world has announced your love affair. Now, in front of your wife, you are forcing me to ask me about the whereabouts of another woman. You are holding one in your arms, but you are thinking of another woman in your heart. Lu Yuchen, look If you don't come out, you're very hardworking!"

Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuchen without fear, and sneered mockingly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen noticed An Qiaoran on his lap, and subconsciously looked down at her. She stared at the wall expressionlessly, as if she didn't hear it.

The next second, she stood up from his lap and said lightly, "The air here is not good, I'll go out to get some air."

After speaking, An Qiaoran was about to turn around and leave, but just as she took a step, her hand was grabbed by a big palm...

(End of this chapter)

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