Chapter 410 I just fell in love with you

An Qiaoran didn't respond, she let Lu Yuchen hold her, left the factory, got into the car, and put her on the co-pilot.

When Lu Yuchen bent down to fasten her seat belt, she realized that she looked up at him.

Lu Yuchen, who was sitting in the driver's seat, noticed her gaze and stared at him.

On the sports car by the side of the road, the two just looked at each other without speaking.

An Qiaoran stared at Lu Yuchen for a moment, and then said softly, with trembling lips, "You knew... I was that girl?"

She always thought she was not, and she always believed that Lu Yuchen didn't know either.He has been looking for it all the time, but now...he told Lu Feng that she is a girl.

A... the person he has been looking for for 16 years...

Lu Yuchen still looked at her, listened to her inquiry, did not speak, and there was no wave in his eyes.

"Answer me!" Seeing that he was silent, An Qiaoran couldn't help urging, feeling a little intense.

Lu Yuchen stared at her for a long time, saw the emotion in her eyes, and then opened his mouth, "Is it important?"

His question "Is it important?" made An Qiaoran somewhat puzzled, "Isn't it important?"

An Qiaoran looked at him and asked back.

Hasn't it always been important to him?When the pendant appeared, his attitude towards her took a 360-degree turn.

A person who used to be so clingy to her chose to sleep in the study at that time, and he didn't touch her again for several weeks.

Now, he suddenly disclosed their relationship to the public, and then he told her that she was that girl.Isn't this enough to show that he did that after he knew she was that girl?

Thinking of becoming an unnecessary substitute, she felt very uncomfortable, and felt a little aggrieved inexplicably.

Lu Yuchen looked at the expression on her face, shook his head, and parted his thin lips lightly, "It's not important."

An Qiaoran stared at him blankly, somewhat surprised by his answer.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to stroke the fine hair on her forehead, and spoke in a deep and magnetic voice.

"An Qiaoran, the reason I brought you here is to let you know that no matter whether that girl is you or not, I've already identified you."

An Qiaoran's heart suddenly tightened following Lu Yuchen's words, his eyes were full of surprise, and his speech was a little unsteady, "What did you say?"

Lu Yuchen glanced out the window, as if lost in memory.

"For me, being with a girl was the best part of my teenage years, so I worked really hard to find her."

"But after so many years, I don't know what she has become, so when I decided to go to country A to find you, I figured it out."

"No matter what it was like in the past, but now I have married you as my wife, and I have successfully entrusted my heart to you. It doesn't matter whether I find you or not."

Speaking of this, Lu Yuchen shifted his gaze to An Qiaoran. At this time, An Qiaoran had tears in his eyes.

"An Qiaoran, tell me, do I have a good vision, but you, who I fell in love with, are the one I've been looking for."

When he said this, An Qiaoran saw a rare smile on the corner of Lu Yuchen's mouth, and it was obvious that it was his sincere smile.

Most of Lu Yuchen's smiles are sneer or sarcastic, but rarely when he really smiles.

Now, she saw it.

It seemed that he was very happy that she was a little girl.

He said that she loved her, and she was very happy, but... At this time, he said these beautiful words to her, and she didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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