Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 425 Is it the abortion pill you took yourself?

Chapter 425 Is it the abortion pill you took yourself?

When Yun Mo said this, An Qiaoran was shocked, Lan Yan was pregnant?

After being shocked for a moment, she looked at the unconscious Lan Yan, and she couldn't help feeling sorry in her heart, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Lan Yan.

After listening to Yun Mo's inquiry, the doctor was a little stunned. After a moment of silence, he sighed, "According to my observation, the patient is bleeding caused by ectopic pregnancy medication. Xin Hao sent it in time, otherwise...the consequences will be disastrous."

The doctor's answer made Yun Mo's tall and slender body take a step back involuntarily, and he almost couldn't stand still, obviously bearing a big blow.

"Ectopic pregnancy? Medication? What kind of medicine did you use?"

His inquiry made the doctor a little ashamed, "The patient took a large dose of abortion pills, which is why he bled profusely."

He is the patient's husband, don't he know what the medicine is?

abortion pills...

Hearing these three words, Yun Mo's face turned even paler, his eyes were full of pain after being hit, and he turned to look at Lan Yan on the hospital bed, his eyes were bloodshot.


Lan Yan was pushed to the ward by An Qiaoran, and the battered Yun Mo stood in front of the bed with a gloomy expression, staring at Lan Yan on the bed with gloomy eyes.

An Qiaoran was also very worried about Lan Yan, so she went to ask the director for leave, and waited here for Lan Yan to wake up.

Seeing Yun Mo's gloomy face, although she was curious, she didn't dare to ask, and patiently waited for Lan Yan to wake up with only one hand.

Half an hour later, Lan Yan finally woke up. The first second she woke up, she stretched out her hands nervously to caress her belly.

Then he looked at Yun Mo in a panic, "Mo, where is our child? How is the child?"

Yun Mo looked at her without saying a word, his cold eyes fixed on Lan Yan, and he didn't intend to answer.

Lan Yan didn't get his answer, and looked at his heavy face again, feeling even more flustered, nervously wanting to get up and grab Yun Mo's hand, "Mo, tell me quickly, our child is safe, right? ?”

No matter how Lan Yan asked Yun Mo, she remained indifferent and expressionless.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran didn't know whether to intervene.

After all, it was their business. She couldn't say much, so she left the ward secretly.

Although she left the ward, she was still worried, and watched the situation inside through the window outside the ward.

Looking at Yun Mo's face just now, it seemed that she was suppressing some kind of anger, she had to watch, if Yun Mo made a move on Lan Yan, she would rush over immediately.

In the ward, Lan Yan looked at Yun Mo nervously and asked about the child, but Yun Mo still didn't intend to answer, not even a word.

Seeing him like this, Lan Yan seemed to understand something, her face was full of despair, her lips trembled, and tears appeared in her eyes, "Is our child finally gone?"

Yun Mo, who had been silent all this time, looked at her teary eyes, his heart was suddenly stung, and he couldn't help but speak out.

"Is it the abortion pill you took yourself?"

She has never wanted to be with him, and has always wanted to leave the island. Knowing that she is pregnant with his child, it is not impossible for her to kill him cruelly.

When Lan Yan heard this, her body froze, and she looked at him in disbelief, "What? Yun Mo, you suspect it's me..."


Yun Mo looked at her without speaking, but the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Seeing him like this, Lan Yan felt ashamed, "You don't believe me?"

"You have treated me like that for the past six months, and now something like this happened again, how can you make me believe you?" Yun Mo seemed to be a little agitated, and looked at Lan Yan heartbroken, with pain in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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