Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 427 Leaving the place of right and wrong

Chapter 427 Leaving the place of right and wrong
Seeing her gaze like this, Yun Mo felt very uncomfortable, and tried to say something, but Lan Yan continued.

"Let me tell you, what happened this time was not an accident, it was planned by someone! As for this person, I can figure out who it is even with my toes."

Lan Yan's words awakened Yun Mo completely, and he couldn't help covering his eyes and thinking deeply.

The person in the whole castle who can't accept Lan Yan the most, except for his father, there will be no one else.

After a long time, he looked at Lan Yan again, "It's my fault, I didn't take good care of you..."

Everything is his responsibility, so that person can take advantage of it.

Listening to his apologetic words, Lan Yan suddenly didn't know what to say, looked out the window, thought for a long time, sorted out her emotions, and then spoke.

"Yun Mo, I'm scared." Her voice was very flat and soft, if Yun Mo hadn't focused on her, maybe she wouldn't have heard her voice.


Hearing these two words, Yun Mo's body shook violently. Looking at her somewhat pale face, he couldn't help reaching out to touch her.

His movements were very careful, as if he was touching something precious, for fear of breaking it.

"With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

As long as he is here, he will not let her suffer any more harm. Things like today will never happen again.

"After this incident, I realized that being with you requires not only courage, but also a strong heart to accept the loss of a loved one."

As Lan Yan spoke, she turned her eyes to look at his words clearly and clearly, "But Yun Mo, I'm not strong enough. Since I know there will be dangers, then I won't take risks again."

Listening to her words, Yun Mo suddenly became depressed, "Yan'er, what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you understand?" Lan Yan laughed at herself, then looked at him and said, "I mean, I don't want to go back, I want to leave the castle."

"Leaving the castle..." Yun Mo heard this, although he was extremely reluctant, but there seemed to be nothing he could do.

Besides, because of this matter, he really owed her, and if he continued to let her stay in the castle, that person would not let her go.

He could protect her, but every day she spent was spent in fear.

She is not happy like that.

It was because of his original decision that what happened today.

Just like that, Yun Mo thought for a moment, and then agreed to her condition, "Okay, Yan'er, I agree with you leaving the castle, have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Don't hide from me, and let me know your whereabouts." Yun Mo added here, as if afraid of her overthinking.

"Don't worry, I don't want to monitor you, but I want to ensure your safety and know where you are, so I can rest assured."

Since Yun Mo had already said that, Lan Yan couldn't say anything more, so she nodded and agreed, "Yeah."

As long as you can leave the place of right and wrong, you can do anything.

An Qiaoran outside the ward saw that there was no movement inside, so he turned and left, continuing to busy with his work.

When she got off work at night, An Qiaoran was worried about Lan Yan's condition, so she went to Lan Yan's ward for a checkup.

When she went, Yun Mo was not there.

"Yan'er, what's the matter, does the wound still hurt?" An Qiaoran put the fruit he brought on the cabinet, sat down beside the bed, and asked about Lan Yan's condition.

Seeing her coming, Lan Yan was very happy, "There is no major problem, and I can be discharged from the hospital after a few days of rest."

"How can there be no problem! I think your body is weak, you need to take care of it."

"Also, I wanted to see you this morning, but Master Yun is always here, so I don't want to bother you."

"It's okay, I'm already very happy that you can come to see me." Lan Yan looked at An Qiaoran and smiled indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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