Chapter 443 Ate Her Tofu
An Qiaoran looked down stiffly, the more she looked, the more blurred her eyes became, she was still a little dizzy, and her heart became more and more frightened.

Legs start to feel weak.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuchen, who had been paying attention to her, naturally sensed that something was wrong with her, and asked quickly.

"Lu Yuchen, I..." An Qiaoran wanted to say that she didn't dare to go down, but thinking about what Lu Yuchen said before coming up, she couldn't say it anymore.

Said that Lu Yuchen will definitely ridicule her.

An Qiaoran glanced down next time, then bit her lip, walked slowly down, section after section, extremely careful.

However, just as An Qiaoran took a step, he became very dizzy. If he didn't pay attention, his feet were empty, and he lost his center of gravity and fell down.


An Qiaoran screamed, and his whole body fell straight down in an instant.

"An Qiaoran!" Lu Yuchen's heart tightened suddenly, and he ran over, trying to catch her.

Unexpectedly, someone took the first step and caught An Qiaoran firmly.

Lu Yuchen looked at the man holding An Qiaoran in front of him, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Before An Qiaoran could react, he was hugged by another pair of arms. An Qiaoran saw Lu Yuchen clearly.

Lu Yuchen put her on the ground and checked her carefully, "Are you okay?"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and shook his head, "It's okay."

An Qiaoran looked at the man who caught her just in time, and was about to thank him, but when he saw the man's face, he froze.

"Yat Xuan?"

Mo Yixuan stood there with his hands hanging down feebly. Hearing the sound, he smiled at her, "Ran Ran, we meet again."

"Yes! Why are you here?"

Since the meeting three months ago, An Qiaoran hadn't seen him again. Unexpectedly, he would be here.

Mo Yixuan was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "I... also came here to play."

An Qiaoran gave a clear "Oh", thinking about what happened just now, and said, "Thank you for saving me."

If he hadn't caught her just now, she would probably have been smashed into meatloaf.

"It's fine." Mo Yixuan looked at her, shook his head, and smiled softly, "There is no need to say thank you between you and me."

"Thank him for what? He ate your tofu just now, so I didn't beat him up."

Lu Yuchen's displeased voice, who was ignored by An Qiaoran, suddenly sounded.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was also very helpless, but he didn't say anything.

After the accident just now, there are many people watching the excitement here, and there are also many people talking about it.

An Qiaoran was not used to being watched like this, so he said, "Let's find a place to sit down first, and then we can talk!"

Mo Yixuan hesitated, then nodded, "There is a VIP room opposite, let's go there!"

As he spoke, Mo Yixuan took the lead and walked forward, but just as he moved his feet, his body became a little unsteady. Fortunately, the woman beside him supported him, and asked with concern, "Mr. Mo, are you alright?"

Mo Yixuan seemed to be in great pain, the veins bursting out on his forehead represented his forbearance, even so, he just shook his head, "It's okay."

However, as soon as he finished saying the word nothing, he fainted. The woman in professional women's attire quickly supported him and called security.

"Send Mr. Mo to the hospital."

As the woman said, she and the security guard took Mo Yixuan and left in a hurry.

"Let's go and have a look too!" An Qiaoran was worried about Mo Yixuan, and followed before Lu Yuchen could answer.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran so worried, and although he was upset, he still followed.

(End of this chapter)

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