Chapter 451 You Can Do Anything To Me
Looking at all this, An Qiaoran couldn't stand it anymore, gritted his teeth, and glanced at him, "Sir, are you free?"

Not only did he follow her, but he even drank the water she drank. His shamelessness is really good.

"Well, it's very free." Lu Yuchen continued to look at her and nodded.

An Qiaoran snorted and said no more, turned and left the lounge, followed by Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoran closed the door and went to the bathroom.

This time, Lu Yuchen did not follow.

Don't you want to follow her?She still doesn't believe that he dared to enter the women's bathroom!

Lu Yuchen stood outside the bathroom waiting for her. An Qiaoran stayed there for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, An Qiaoran came out and went straight to the operating room to prepare the props needed for the operation, and ignored him.

Lu Yuchen was successfully put aside by her, but he wasn't angry at all, he just felt that this woman was really jealous.

An Qiaoran became angry when she saw Lu Yuchen, so she simply went straight to the surgery. It wasn't her class, so she also made excuses to go to avoid Lu Yuchen.

Naturally, Lu Yuchen also understood her thoughts, so he had no choice but to go back to the car and wait quietly for her to get off work.

He didn't want her to suffer because of him.

So, from seven o'clock now, Lu Yuchen waited until 10:30 before seeing An Qiaoran walking out of the hospital.

When An Qiaoran reached the side of the road, Lu Yuchen drove the car directly and stopped in front of her, blocking her way.

An Qiaoran thought that he was already getting impatient and went back, but he was still here. Was he waiting for her?what a pity!She doesn't need it!
An Qiaoran just glanced at Lu Yuchen from the car window, turned around and walked the other way without saying anything.

Lu Yuchen panicked, and hurriedly got out of the car to follow her and grabbed her hand, "Aren't you afraid of walking at night?"

"I'm not afraid." An Qiaoran looked at him angrily, and broke free from his hand, "Don't touch me."

He still smells of that Wu Yiyi's perfume, it's uncomfortable to smell!

"Still angry?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help laughing at her flushed face.

He reached out and stroked her face, with a magnetic voice, "Tell me, what are you angry about? Huh?"

An Qiaoran was tickled by his touch, subconsciously took a step back, and glared at him angrily, "Why should I tell you?"

Lu Yuchen was helpless, but found it very funny.

"You woman is too jealous?" Lu Yuchen laughed, then dragged An Qiaoran to open the door and got in the car, pushing her onto the passenger seat.

At the same time, Lu Yuchen quickly got into the driver's seat and locked the co-pilot's door. An Qiaoran was trapped on the co-pilot, speechless.

"What the hell are you doing? Aren't you going to pick up girls? I've given you so much time, what's the matter? You still want to take me with you?"

An Qiaoran sat on the seat, looked at Lu Yuchen who started the car, and complained.


When did he say he was going to pick up girls?

"An Qiaoran, you are now sitting in the car honestly. When you get back, you can do whatever you want to me." Lu Yuchen said, and reached out to stroke her head, and said dotingly, "Good boy~"

An Qiaoran's goose bumps all over his body when he heard his good voice, and he couldn't complain about Lu Yuchen in his heart.

But it's strange, she was very angry thinking about the things in the storage room, why doesn't she seem so angry now?

Aware of this thought, An Qiaoran quickly shook his head to wake himself up.

(End of this chapter)

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