Chapter 455 Reward for him

"What reward do you want? You are paying off your merits and demerits." An Qiaoran didn't give him face and gave him a sideways look.

She admitted that what he did moved her, but it couldn't make her forget the scene in the storage room.

That Wu Yiyi was not a good person in the first place, and tried every means to harm her in the pharmacy.But Lu Yuchen didn't feel any dissatisfaction when facing her seduction, which was unbearable for her.

"I'm almost becoming a strict wife, isn't there any reward?"

The wife said one thing but dare not say the other. Isn't this a strict wife's control?

The words "strict wife management" came to An Qiaoran, looking at his serious look, he was very helpless, "Then what reward do you want?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her deeply, without saying a word, as if he was conveying some message in his deep black eyes.

An Qiaoran shook his head and asked suspiciously, "What exactly is it?"

Seeing that she didn't understand, Lu Yuchen felt helpless, lowered his head and kissed her earlobe, and said hoarsely, "Give me a princess."

After finishing speaking, before An Qiaoran could reply, he had already pushed her down on the bed and bullied her down.


After contacting for a week, Lu Yuchen urged An Qiaoran to give birth to a little heroine every night, which was enough to see how much he wanted a daughter.

But what if she was pregnant with a son?
This is a question worth thinking about.

On this day, Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran went to the hospital. Because Lan Yan was discharged from the hospital today, An Qiaoran went to the ward.

However, as soon as he opened the door of the ward, An Qiaoran saw a very embarrassing scene.

Lan Yan, who had changed her hospital gown, was sitting on the hospital bed with her head raised, and was kissing Yun Mo standing beside the bed in a black suit.

Seeing this scene, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to close the door, never thinking that Lan Yan had already seen her, and shyly pushed Yun Mo away.

Stand up and meet her, "Sister Ran Ran, are you here?"

An Qiaoran ruined someone's good deed, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry! Did I disturb you?"

Lan Yan pulled her to the hospital bed and sat down, shook her head, and said with a smile, "No, I was just going to find you!"

As Lan Yan spoke, she saw Lu Yuchen who followed into the ward, and said politely, "Boss Lu is here too?"

Lu Yuchen silently walked to An Qiaoran's side, stood with his hands in his pockets, and did not respond.

Seeing Lu Yuchen coming in, Yun Mo subconsciously glanced at An Qiaoran, wanting to ask about the cooperation, but Lu Yuchen spoke first.

"Young Master Yun, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting will officially begin. This is your last chance."

As soon as Yun Mo heard it, he knew it was An Qiaoran who said it, so he nodded, "Okay Mr. Lu, see you in the conference room then."

After speaking, he looked at Lan Yan and said, "Yan'er, I've already found a house. It's a villa not far from the lake. Let me take you there first!"

"I don't want to live there." Lan Yan looked up at him and continued, "I want to live in a place that is not easy for others to find."

Although neither of them said anything about the accident this time, they both knew it was his father's fault. Therefore, she didn't want his father to know where she lived so easily.

Lan Yan's words made Yun Mo silent for a while, then he nodded and agreed, "Alright then! I'll find you again."

"No need." Lan Yan stood up, walked in front of him, buttoned the loose button on his collar, and said softly, "I'll let Sister Ran Ran take me there! I'll tell you when I find it, you Go to the company first, don't let your father take the opportunity to teach you a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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