Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 464 Settling accounts with him in front of everyone

Chapter 464 Settling accounts with him in front of everyone

This is a question worth thinking about. An Qiaoran returned to his sanity and began to hesitate.

There must be a lot of people in this meeting room, if she just broke in like this, what would she look like?
But she is not reconciled!She was bullied for no reason, and it was almost impossible for her to swallow this breath!

An Qiaoran's emotions could not be calmed down for a long time, and Ah Heng was also worried that she would break into the door and break things, so he also guarded her outside.

An Qiaoran struggled with his thoughts for a long time, and then he looked at Ah Heng decisively, "Go in!"

"Then wife, you..."

"I'll just stand here until the Lu Yuchen meeting is over!" She must wait for Lu Yuchen here, and then complain to him!

Uh... the word complaining seems to be a bit embarrassing but it doesn't matter, who made her really angry.

Seeing her like this, Ah Heng felt helpless, so he nodded and said, "Okay ma'am, then I'll go in first."

An Qiaoran didn't respond, and silently retreated to the wall.

Ah Heng knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and walked in, then closed the door.

The meeting was still going on, and Lu Yuchen was sitting leisurely at one end of the conference table, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, knocking on the table with his fingers, quietly listening to Yun Mo's speech.

Ah Heng walked straight to Lu Yuchen's side, then stood quietly with his hands folded in front of him.

Seeing that he finally came back, Lu Yuchen's dissatisfied voice sounded, "Why have you been away for so long?"

Hearing this, Ah Heng was a little hesitant, subconsciously glanced at the seemingly invisible figure outside the window, finally possessed himself, spoke softly in front of Lu Yuchen, and told Lu Yuchen what happened in the bathroom just now.

"Bang!" A loud voice.

"What?" Lu Yuchen immediately slapped the table and stood up with an extremely cold voice.

His eyes became cold, and he glanced at the window.

This kind of glass can't see the outside scene clearly, but can see the outline.

At this time, there was a woman standing outside the window, walking hesitantly.

You don't need to think about it to know it's An Qiaoran.

Lu Yuchen immediately kicked the swivel chair away and strode towards the door...

Everyone was dumbfounded.

An Qiaoran was wandering outside boredly, but he never thought that the door of the conference room was suddenly opened.

She was taken aback, and quickly raised her eyes to look, and when she saw it was Lu Yuchen, she shot at him excitedly.

"Lu Yuchen, why did you come out? Is the meeting over?"

Lu Yuchen didn't answer, his face was gloomy, looking a little scary.

Even so, he reached out and stroked her hair, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, where did he touch you?"

"Ah?" An Qiaoran didn't react at first, but when he saw Ah Heng coming out from behind, he did.

So, she put her hand on her chin, looked at Lu Yuchen, and said in an aggrieved tone, "He touched my chin, and he still wall-thumped and molested me. If Ah Heng hadn't arrived in time, he would have You're going to kiss me..."

At the end, An Qiaoran's voice became more and more aggrieved, and Lu Yuchen's face became more and more serious.

He punched the wall angrily, as if he couldn't feel the pain, he turned his eyes to A Heng and said coldly, "Bring him here!"

"Yes, Mr. Lu."

Ah Heng left in response.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen's skinned hand, and quickly held it, feeling distressed, "Don't you feel pain?"

Just keep beating like this, won't he get hurt?
Lu Yuchen held her hand backhand, and said in a low voice, "Go! Come in with me, I want to settle accounts with him in front of everyone!"

After saying that, before An Qiaoran could react, she was picked up by Lu Yuchen's waist and turned into the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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