Chapter 467 Listen to my wife
An Qiaoran's sudden painting style stunned Lu Yuchen and everyone present, and they looked at her with a little puzzled eyes.

Does Young Master Lu's wife also take care of Young Master Lu's business?
Knowing that An Qiaoran did all this for himself, Yun Mo stood up and looked at Lu Yuchen.

Indeed, the cooperation with IE this time is very important to him, and there must be no mistakes.

And An Qiaoran said this now because of his promise to him. From now on, this An Qiaoran is still a trustworthy person.

Listening to An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen was a little puzzled, "Why?"

"I told you." An Qiaoran saw that he had forgotten, and reminded him.

"This matter is not only related to the interests of Yun's and IE... Lu Yuchen, you can't go back on what you promised me."

Lan Yan is a very poor girl with amnesia, and she finally found her beloved man who loves her.It's just that life forced them to not be together smoothly.

She is her good friend, her best friend, and she must help her in any way she can.

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen's face visibly froze.

He remembered what she said, the cooperation between Yun's and him this time was related to Yun Mo's status in Yun's, and even more related to the happiness of Yun Mo and that woman.

These things are not his business at all. The reason why he agreed at that time was just for An Qiaoran's face, otherwise he would not bother to attend this meeting!
It's just that now that something like this has happened, he feels resentful in his heart, that's why it happened.

Unexpectedly, An Qiaoran still remembered this and told him not to break the contract, but he seemed to have some resistance tomorrow.

No way, who told him to listen to his wife.

Lu Yuchen withdrew the dagger, threw it to Ah Heng, then stroked An Qiaoran's fine hair on his forehead, and held her in his arms, with a magnetic voice, "Don't worry, I won't go back on what I promised you."

At this moment, Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran as if water was about to overflow from his eyes.

But in the next second, he looked at Yun Lao with cold and indifferent eyes, "I promised my wife to maintain the cooperation with Yun's, and since she said it, I will not go against it. But... I The projects that IE has cooperated with have never failed. In order to ensure the quality of the projects, I will never allow people with vulgar personalities like Yun Xiao to participate in any projects with IE! If you insist on letting him participate, you have to choose another company."

Lu Yuchen made it obvious that he wanted to remove Yun Xiao from the Yun family, because the cooperation between the Yun family and IE was ten years.

Lu Yuchen's words made Yun Xiao and Yun Lao's faces turn pale, it was very ugly.

After being released, Yun Xiao quickly turned his attention to Elder Yun, "Dad, I'm also a member of the company, and besides, I'm still the vice president. I can't be removed from the company."

Faced with Yunxiao's words, Elder Yun also expressed his understanding, and felt helpless in his heart.

He also hurts this son, but compared with the interests of the company, it is indeed normal to sacrifice something.

He patted Yun Xiao's hand, looked at Lu Yuchen, and nodded, "Okay! I won't let Xiao'er participate."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but nodded slightly to show his understanding.

Yun Xiao was kicked out of the company for no reason, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart, and looked at Yun Lao very dissatisfied, "Dad, you can't do this!"

"I've already decided, don't say any more about this matter." Elder Yun said affirmatively, turned around and returned to his seat, and sat down.

Yunmo was naturally very happy when Yunxiao left the company, but he sat down with a blank expression on his face.

Lu Yuchen sat down on the chair, pulled An Qiaoran to sit on his lap, and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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