Chapter 469 Poor Amnesiac Woman
Listening to An Qiaoran's words, Yun Mo didn't show much expression, and continued, "Don't worry, I will protect Yan'er and not let her suffer any grievances."

After this incident, he realized that Yan'er had a friend who cared so much about her.

An Qiaoran is a friend worthy of deep friendship. With her in the future, many things will be much easier.

"I hope!" An Qiaoran said, after thinking for a long time, he decided to ask him, "Do you know that Yan'er's miscarriage last time was caused by your father?"

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became oppressive.

Yun Mo remained silent for a long time with a sullen face, and then nodded lightly, "I know..."

It was his fault. It was his responsibility for not protecting her well.

He promised that nothing like that would happen again.

"Then do you know that your father will try every means to drive Yan'er away?" An Qiaoran continued to ask.


No matter what An Qiaoran asked, Yun Mo nodded in understanding.

And every time he answers, An Qiaoran will have a new understanding of the prince of country A.

Originally thought that he was high and great, but unfortunately, he was a person who couldn't even protect his beloved woman.

However, this is also inseparable from his own ability. In anything, without power, nothing can be achieved.

this is the truth!
"Yunxiao is no longer able to pose a threat to you. As for your father, anyway, Lu Yuchen took over this cooperation, and he probably won't care about it anymore. The Yun family belongs to you. You must protect Yan'er, otherwise, I will I won't let you go."

For some reason, An Qiaoran seemed to have a preference for Yan'er. Seeing her being wronged made her feel uncomfortable.

Seeing her cry, she also wanted to cry unconsciously.

So her expectations for Yun Mo are also very high.

"I understand." Yun Mo responded, and glanced at Lu Yuchen, "It's a pleasant cooperation, and... thank you."

Lu Yuchen frowned, did not answer, and left the meeting room with An Qiaoran in his arms.

On the way to the office, An Qiaoran told Lu Yuchen how much he hated Yun Lao.

"Lu Yuchen, you don't know how hateful Yun Mo's father is. She not only harmed the child in Yan'er's womb, but also wanted to break up her Yun Mo. I hate this kind of man who beats mandarin ducks the most."

After the Chen family's family, she has another resentful person.

Seeing the dissatisfaction on her face, Lu Yuchen expressed his understanding, otherwise, she would not have let him deal with Yunlao.

The two returned to the office all the way, and when they reached the door, a woman's voice came from the office.

"You let me go!"

An Qiaoran was very familiar with this voice, it was Lan Yan's.

"To tell you the truth, I've been coveting you for a long time. I really don't know why Yun Mo likes you. I'll do it for you in his office today. Let's see if he will want you again!"

The man's evil voice rang out, followed by the woman's voice of resistance.

An Qiaoran could no longer control himself and walked to the closed office door, twisted the doorknob vigorously, but did not open it.

"Yunxiao, open the door quickly! What do you want to do?" An Qiaoran patted the door in panic, and shouted to the man inside.

The people in the circle in front of the office are all secretaries, and most of them came to see the excitement because they heard the voices inside.

"Go away!"

Yun Mo who came later pushed away the crowd of onlookers, came to the door of the office, and kicked the door fiercely, "Hurry up and open the door, if you do anything to Yan'er, I will definitely kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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