Chapter 477 Really?

Seeing An Qiaoran making such a fuss, Lu Yuchen couldn't help frowning, "I haven't seen it yet, so why is it so mysterious? What is it?"

As soon as he picked it up, she snatched it, and he didn't even see it.

"This... I'm not ready yet, I can't open it, so you can't read it."

An Qiaoran faltered and held the jewelry box in his hand.

She originally planned to show him, but now that he found out first, things are different.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Lu Yuchen became even more curious, so he looked at her with a smirk on his face, "Are you sure? Don't let me see it?"

The more mysterious and mysterious she was, the more curious he became.

"I'll show you after a while, anyway, it's not a rare treasure, it's just a street stall, haha."

In order not to let him see, An Qiaoran really spent a lot of money. This is 50 yuan. She has saved half of it. Now it is called a street stall.

Of course, in his eyes, it's just a street stall, but it's not the same to her.

"I just like the street stalls you bought..." Lu Yuchen smiled charmingly, leaned towards her, stretched his hands behind her, and held her hands.

Not only that, but he also bowed his head next to her ear, bewitching her ambiguously, "Hey, give it to me."

How could An Qiaoran bear his bewitchment, she just shook her head without saying a word.

"Then I'm going to use my trump card?" Seeing her shaking her head, Lu Yuchen smiled evilly.

"What do you want?" An Qiaoran pretended to get closer to him, and then ran behind the sofa.

"An Qiaoran!" Lu Yuchen looked helpless at the smile on her face, "Have you learned how to play tricks on me?"

"How can I have it?" An Qiaoran refused to admit it, "It's obvious that you want to seduce me and take what I have."

"Then why don't you show me?" Lu Yuchen was helpless. Such a simple question had to be so complicated.

"I said no now, you can't watch it now! I can't show it to you either!"

An Qiaoran held the jewelry box even tighter, lest he suddenly come up and snatch it away.

"Okay!" Seeing her stubborn look, Lu Yuchen suddenly laughed, "If you don't show me, I'll steal it."

"You, a big man, have the nerve to grab things with me, a little woman? Lu Yuchen? Where's your integrity?" An Qiaoran looked at him and couldn't help but complain.

"Can my integrity be useful to you?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her helplessly.

"There seems to be some research on this issue!" An Qiaoran pretended to think about it.

"What's there to study, it's what it is!" Lu Yuchen complained.

"Don't change the subject!" An Qiaoran realized that he was diverting his attention, "Anyway, as I said, I won't show it to you, and I'll show it to you after you forget about it! "

"An Qiaoran, get over it!" Lu Yuchen simply sat down on the bed and looked at her leisurely, "Do you think I can forget about this?"

"It's not impossible, is it?"

She didn't believe what An Qiaoran said.

Lu Yuchen is the worst at holding grudges, and it would be impossible for him to forget one thing so easily in his whole life.

"It's impossible! An Qiaoran, you must have done it on purpose!" He looked at him and gritted his teeth.

"What am I doing on purpose?"

"You just showed it to me on purpose to arouse my curiosity, and then you deliberately hid it for me to remember. An Qiaoran, you are so scheming!"

"Nonsense you are!"

"Then will you give it?"

An Qiaoran and Chen Mo.

"Will you show me?"

(End of this chapter)

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