Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 482 Don't Mess With Lu Yuchen

Chapter 482 Don't Mess With Lu Yuchen

"Wait for me to pick you up."


An Qiaoran nodded, watched Lu Yuchen turn around, walked to the elevator, and soon... entered the elevator.

The gradually closing elevator doors could not block An Qiaoran's gaze. Seeing Lu Yuchen's face slowly disappearing from her sight, she felt very uncomfortable.

Lu Yuchen also looked at her, and they looked at each other. At the second when the elevator door was completely closed, Lu Yuchen smiled at her.

And then... never to be seen again.

The elevator was descending, but An Qiaoran, who was standing outside the door, still didn't turn around and entered the room, just stood there with dazed eyes.

After a long time, she turned around and went in to pack her clothes, and then left the hotel.

On the way back to the dormitory while she was waiting for the car, her cell phone rang. Looking at the word Lu Yuchen, a smile appeared on her face, and she answered the phone.

"Lu Yuchen..."

"I forgot to tell you just now. I bought you a villa at the back of the city center. There are all the things in it. You will live there in the future. I will send you the specific address later, and the key. In the fountain."

The voice of Lu Yuchen's order fell into An Qiaoran's ears, An Qiaoran listened and said "Yes".

The topic ended, there was a long silence on the phone, the phone was not hung up, but no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

After a long time, Lu Yuchen's hoarse voice came again, "An Qiaoran... remember to miss me."

Lu Yuchen's words made An Qiaoran a little helpless, and her mood improved a lot for no reason, "Okay!"

"Then I hang up?"

An Qiaoran let out a "hmm", and then hung up before Lu Yuchen.

After being together for a long time, it will become so reluctant.

An Qiaoran withdrew her thoughts, then took a taxi to the address sent by Lu Yuchen, took out the key from the fountain in the courtyard, and put the clothes in it.

Due to time constraints, she went to the hospital without looking too much.

But at this moment, on the other side, on the second floor of the luxurious villa, Mo Yixuan was wearing a professional suit and standing on the balcony, holding a phone in his hand.

"Yixuan, we and IE have always been in harmony with each other. This time you suddenly bought the land he fancy at a high price. Why?"

A man's heartbroken voice came from the phone, with a hint of age in his voice.

"Uncle, I did this for Qiao's. I think our business can expand to all over the country. There is no need to avoid him, Lu Yuchen."

"I know what you mean. But Yixuan, Lu Yuchen is not someone to provoke, and we don't have the need to provoke him! Isn't it good to be so calm? Don't tear your face at that time, it will not be good for us Qiao Any benefit!"

"But uncle..."

"There's no need to talk about this matter anymore, I've already decided. Just remember, don't fight with Lu Yuchen in doing things in the future, it won't benefit everyone."

The male voice on the phone was visibly more serious.

After Mo Yixuan finished listening, his face was a bit unwilling, "But this time I've already bought it..."

"Then give up fighting! No one can win what Lu Yuchen likes, and you can't win him!"

Lu Yuchen has always been arrogant and conceited, and his business has always been smooth and smooth. This time the land incident was really something Mo Yixuan should have done.

"Also, remember that your career is limited to Xingda. You should not interfere with the company's business affairs, lest you get into trouble when you get into trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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