Chapter 488 Patient Chen Lanxue

Mo Yixuan just stood there, letting the woman on his body hug him, with no expression on his face.

It's just... in the deep eyes, there are unpredictable emotions.


The villa that Lu Yuchen gave to An Qiaoran was very large, and she felt a bit afraid to live alone, so An Qiaoran took Lan Yan to take care of each other.

An Qiaoran was going to the hospital, and Lan Yan also went to Yun's with Yun Mo, and the meeting between the two was only at night.

Jiang Hao and Zhao Qiaoqiao have always lived in their world of two, so An Qiaoran didn't have much contact with them, and devoted himself to work.

"An Qiaoran, get ready. There will be a small operation in five minutes. The doctor said, this time Sun Xu will perform the battle in person, and you will assist him."

An Qiaoran had just returned from going to the bathroom when she was notified of the matter by the nurse.

After being busy early in the morning, when she heard that Sun Xu was going to perform the surgery herself, she was obviously taken aback.

She had just been transferred here for a few days, and Sun Xu was always assisting the doctor in the operation, but now it was him...


An Qiaoran was thinking about it, when a gentle male voice sounded from behind her.

An Qiaoran turned her eyes and saw Sun Xu coming in front of her. An Qiaoran laughed and said jokingly, "Congratulations, Dr. Sun, you have officially entered the profession."

In the hospital where the two of them came at the same time, he had already "achieved a positive result", but she was transferred here and there, and she was still in the internship period.

Come to think of it, this matter has something to do with Lu Yuchen.

Listening to her teasing words, Sun Xu just smiled, "You have also grown a lot, how is the simulated surgery done?"

"It's not bad! It needs to be improved."

Because they have graduated from medical school, they have to start with the most basic nurses.

Now, a few months later, the hospital specially arranged simulated surgery for them, and if the results were excellent, they could officially become surgeons.

An Qiaoran had done so many simulated surgeries, and he really experienced the tension.

She began to regret why she chose surgery in the first place. The psychological pressure was too great. The most important reason was that she might not be able to do it.

Although she was used to watching it, but... the moment she picked up the scalpel, she was still quite scared.

After the two chatted for a while, An Qiaoran went to prepare, and Sun Xu also went to change into a sterile surgical gown and prepare for the operation.

An Qiaoran prepared all the equipment, and saw the nurses hurriedly pushing the patient into the ward, and Sun Xu also walked in.

The patient was pushed in front of An Qiaoran, everything was ready, but... when An Qiaoran saw the patient on the bed, she froze...

The unconscious person in front of her... turned out to be someone she hadn't seen for a long time, Chen Lanxue!
Her head was bruised, and it was bleeding. Moreover, she was also covered with injuries, and there was still a long time of fine sand on her face, which was soaked in blood, and her face was beyond recognition.

How could she be hurt like this?
An Qiaoran thought in shock, her eyes filled with disbelief.

According to Lu Yuchen, Chen Lanxue came to Country A with a man.

For so long in the past, she had forgotten about her, but she never thought that she would be here, and she was hurt so badly.

"Ran Ran? Ran Ran?" An Qiaoran was thinking, when Sun Xu's voice suddenly sounded.

An Qiaoran came back to his senses and looked at him, "Huh?"

"Cotton swabs, alcohol." Sun Xu glanced at her, then said, and at the end, he added, "I know you are under a lot of pressure, but this is in the operating room, so you must stay alert and don't have A moment of distraction, you understand?"

He knew about this patient and her origins, but now was not the time to think about things.

(End of this chapter)

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