Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 498 I don't want him to be involved in this

Chapter 498 I don't want him to be involved in this

An Qiaoran raised her eyes, and saw Yun Mo and Lan Yan walking towards her together.

Just as An Qiaoran was about to say something, Lan Yan had already walked over and took her hand, "Sister Ran Ran, I already know about the Internet, are you okay?"

She is usually bored at home and also in Yunmo's office, so she often swipes her phone.

Unexpectedly, when she turned on her phone today, the news headlines were all about An Qiaoran, so she rushed over in a hurry.

Yun Mo was worried about her and followed her.

Hearing Lan Yan's concern for her, An Qiaoran was very relieved, "I'm fine, don't worry!"

Her ability to bear is still acceptable. Although she feels uncomfortable in her heart, she will not reach the point of despair.

"What's going on? Who is that patient?"

Seeing Lan Yan's puzzled expression, An Qiaoran told her the whole thing.

After hearing this, Lan Yan was also very angry.

"It's really too much, why are you so indiscriminate? You obviously have good intentions! Why are you called that way by them?"

An Qiaoran didn't say anything about it.

Being misunderstood is a kind of helplessness, and there is no way to do it.

Now, she is only worried...whether the news will affect Lu Yuchen.

It is said on the Internet that Lu Yuchen's wife is a white lotus, a scheming whore, as bad as she wants.

After all, she was also the Mrs. Lu that Lu Yuchen had disclosed at the press conference. Now that this incident happened, would it affect Lu Yuchen's image?

She herself doesn't care, mainly Lu Yuchen, if he is also implicated, then things will be bad.

Seeing An Qiaoran remain silent, Lan Yan felt uncomfortable, "Where is Young Master Lu? Does he know about this?"

An Qiaoran shook his head, "I don't know, but I don't intend to tell him, so as not to worry him."

Seeing Lu Yuchen leave in such a hurry, something must have happened to IE, and she didn't want him to know about it, so as not to distract him.


Beicheng, IE President's Office.

Lu Yuchen knew that he never read the news headlines, so naturally he would not know about this matter.

In the end, I learned from others.

Lu Yuchen was sitting behind his desk looking at documents when the office door was politely knocked twice.


The door of the office was opened, Ah Heng walked in with the documents, all the way to the desk.

"Mr. Lu, I have already found out the company behind the competition with IE for that piece of land."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen raised his head and looked at him.

Ah Heng understood, and handed him the folder in his hand, "This is the information about that company I found."

Lu Yuchen took it, opened it, and saw the first few words, "Qiao Group..."

"Yes, it's Qiao's Group." Aheng agreed.

Lu Yuchen frowned, read the document, and finally closed it with a "snap", and threw it on the desk, with an ugly expression on his face.

Ah Heng looked at him like this and knew that he was in a bad mood.

Ever since leaving country A and returning to Beicheng, Mr. Lu's temper has never been better.

Withdrawing the drop of blood, he said, "I also find it strange, even a little unbelievable. Qiao's Group has never done business wherever IE goes, but this time, he still seems to be on the hook, insisting on Compete with us."

As Ah Heng said, Lu Yuchen's face remained gloomy, his eyes fixed on the document, and after a while, he spoke coldly.

"No matter how high the price he pays, I will definitely get that piece of land!"

"I understand." Ah Heng nodded.

At this time, the value of the land is no longer important. What is important is that any company that competes with IE must be sure to win!

(End of this chapter)

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