Chapter 528 I want to order your camera
The video on the big screen was turned off by the backstage people, Lu Yuchen's furious voice spread throughout the courtyard, and all the reporters who were actively filming were taken aback!
Lu Yuchen stood on the field, facing all the reporters off the field, his face was extremely gloomy!

"Come here! Destroy all the cameras on them! Surround the entire venue, no one is allowed to leave without my permission!"

Lu Yuchen stood there and shouted orders, his voice was extremely low.

As soon as the words fell, more than thirty men in suits rushed out of the field, surrounded the reporters, and the whole field was surrounded tightly, no one could leave!

The reporters who were originally excited about digging up big gossip were no longer happy at this time.

The joy in my heart has been transformed into panic and fear.

Lu Yuchen, who was standing on the stage, took a step forward and stood in front of An Qiaoran, protecting An Qiaoran behind him before he knew it.

The cold eyes swept across the reporters present one by one, and the cold and piercing voice rang out like a devil.

"Do you want to hand over the camera yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?"

Chen Lanxue looked at the reporters surrounded by groups and secretly thought it was not good.

If Lu Yuchen ruined what she had thought so hard, wouldn't it be futile?
But... with so many bodyguards, she had no choice but to sit and worry.

An Qiaoran stood behind Lu Yuchen and watched what Lu Yuchen did, and knew that he was doing this to keep the news from leaking out, and everything he did was for her.

What kind of status is he?When such an important reporter treats domestic and foreign reporters in this way, and these reporters are the most well-known media reporters at home and abroad, it is inevitable that some people will talk about it.

An Qiaoran was worried about Lu Yuchen, but he didn't think about it himself. To be precise, he didn't care at all.

After Lu Yuchen's voice fell, the reporters off the field were like thorns on their backs. Seeing so many bodyguards, they felt very panicked.

Before they had time to think about it, several bodyguards rushed in from outside, stretched out their hands to them without any explanation, and directly snatched the cameras around their necks!The scene suddenly became chaotic!
Many reporters were unwilling to cooperate, but obviously these bodyguards were well-trained. They easily grabbed the camera and threw it on the ground roughly.

After seeing such a scene, the reporter who was still resisting felt fear in his heart, and raised his eyes to look at Lu Yuchen, "Young Master Lu, this camera is all my living expenses, can you stop smashing it?"

The person who said this was a rather courageous boy. Hearing this, the reporters stopped struggling and looked at Lu Yuchen.

"That's right, Young Master Lu, it's not easy in our line of work, this camera is our life!"

Several reporters agreed one after another, but Lu Yuchen's face was still extremely cold.

"Anyone who dares to reveal half of everything today, I will definitely make him pay ten times the price! Don't talk about being a reporter, even if you go to wash dishes and pick up garbage, no one will want it!"

"Yes, yes, we must not disclose half of it!" In order to keep their jobs, none of the many reporters dared to say "no".

Even so, Lu Yuchen still wanted their cameras, "I will order your cameras, and I will compensate you one by one afterwards, but please forget what that crazy woman said. Otherwise... you will be at your own risk!"

(End of this chapter)

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