Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 531 Who Instructed You To Do This?

Chapter 531 Who Instructed You To Do This?

The next day, Lu Yuchen suddenly dragged An Qiaoran to the hospital with only one purpose, and that was to settle accounts with Chen Lanxue.

The video will be played at the press conference, it's all due to her, and... She is still talking nonsense in front of everyone, which is bad for An Qiaoran's reputation.

An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen, and A Heng came all the way to Chen Lanxue's original ward. The three of them were aggressive, and just as they walked to the door, they heard Chen Lanxue's voice inside.

"I have followed your instructions to destroy the relationship between Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran. Although the news at the press conference was not reported, Lu Yuchen will definitely feel bad for An Qiaoran because of the video."

"Similarly, if I slander An Qiaoran in front of the public, Lu Yuchen will definitely not let me go. Should you protect me?"

After the words fell, there was a moment of silence inside, and Chen Lanxue continued, "Okay! I'm still in the ward now, and I'm waiting for the air ticket you sent me."

After finishing speaking, there was no sound inside.

An Qiaoran looked through the crack of the door and happened to see Chen Lanxue holding the phone. It seemed that she was answering the phone.

Before An Qiaoran could think about it, Lu Yuchen kicked the door impatiently and walked in first.

An Qiaoran followed closely behind.

Lu Yuchen walked straight to Chen Lanxue's hospital bed, looked at Chen Lanxue on the bed with gloomy eyes, his gloomy eyes were full of anger, and his aura was strong.

As soon as Chen Lanxue hung up the phone, Lu Yuchen came to her. Thinking of what happened at the press conference yesterday, she panicked and stuttered, "Young Master Lu..."

"Who ordered you to do that? Huh?" Lu Yuchen gloomily stared at Chen Lanxue on the bed, with a low voice, almost uttering each word from his mouth.

Chen Lanxue was guilty of being stared at by Lu Yuchen's captivating gaze, and felt leisurely and apprehensive, but considering the seriousness of the matter, she shook her head.

"No... No one instructed me, I said it myself."

Chen Lanxue plucked up the courage to look up at Lu Yuchen, her eyes were already filled with tears, "Young Master Lu...Although I know it's bad for me to do this, I love you! I'm jealous of An Qiaoran, so That's why I said that... besides, she and Mo Yixuan were originally..."

"shut up!"

Before Chen Lanxue could finish her sentence, Lu Yuchen had already scolded her coldly, staring at her as if about to burst into flames.

"If you dare to say another word, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life!"

Lu Yuchen glared at Chen Lanxue fiercely, warning in a very low voice, and his eyes were terrifying.

Seeing Lu Yuchen so angry, Chen Lanxue was also terrified in her heart, and lowered her head resentfully, not daring to say another word.

Lu Yuchen was so angry at this moment, and asked her who ordered her as soon as she came up, it seems that he must know something.

He must have come to settle accounts with her this time. He cared so much about An Qiaoran, and he would never let her go.

Originally, she wanted to escape, but she didn't expect that Lu Yuchen had already come to her door, what should she do?
Ah Heng moved a chair, Lu Yuchen sat on the chair, didn't speak any more, just glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table, and then turned to look at Ah Heng.

Ah Heng understood, stepped forward and picked up the phone, then forcibly grabbed Chen Lanxue's thumb, unlocked the phone, and handed it to Lu Yuchen.

Chen Lanxue looked at Lu Yuchen's hand holding the phone in panic, feeling very scared in her heart.

What is he looking for?
(End of this chapter)

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