Chapter 535 The feeling of deja vu

Her feet were already red from the cold, and it was extremely cold in his warm palm.

Lu Yuchen frowned, and rubbed her hands to keep warm, "It's because I didn't remember the cold here in time."

Lu Yuchen frowned and said this, feeling a little guilty between his words.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran smiled helplessly, "It's because I'm wearing less clothes."

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips, did not speak, and focused on warming An Qiaoran's feet
The car door was not closed, and Qiao Feng outside the car couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the scene inside the car.

Outsiders say that IE CEO Lu Yuchen loves his wife, but he never expected that he loves him so much.

Concentrate on keeping my wife warm, completely forgetting that there are other people here.

Qiao Feng stood there watching for a while, and then looked at Lu Yuchen, "Young Master Lu, can we go?"

Lu Yuchen didn't respond, An Qiaoran heard this, and then began to look at the man in front of him.

This man named Qiao Feng looks very young, he should only be around 20 years old. He has a good appearance and is personable, giving people a heart-warming feeling. His fair cheeks look as tender as a woman's, his eyes are big, and his eyelashes are big. Long and curly, like a woman.Apart from his cheeks, the best thing about him is his pair of peach blossom eyes.

Realizing that he was looking at them in the car, An Qiaoran was a little shy, and couldn't help but take back the foot that was held by Lu Yuchen.

Looking up at Qiao Feng, "You can go now, I will trouble you to sit in front."

Qiao Feng returned a polite smile and sat in the front seat.

"An Qiaoran, you don't want your leg anymore?" Lu Yuchen looked at the leg that An Qiaoran took back, and then saw her staring at this person for a long time, and her tone was dissatisfied.

An Qiaoran was very helpless, "My feet are no longer cold, and there is a heater in the car, so I am no longer cold."

After An Qiaoran's words fell, he couldn't help covering his mouth and sneezed, "Ah cut!"

Lu Yuchen looked at her leisurely, An Qiaoran lowered her head in embarrassment.

Just now that she said she was not cold, she sneezed. Is this a slap in the face?
Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran helplessly, lifted her feet, placed them on her lap, and continued to rub, "It's so cold, it's not cold."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, An Qiaoran didn't answer, but just raised his eyes and looked forward. Coincidentally, he met the rearview mirror and Qiao Feng's eyes. An Qiaoran quickly looked away and stopped looking at him.

I don't know why, but she always feels that this man gives her the same feeling as Lan Yan gives her, he seems to have known each other, there is a feeling of intimacy.

But... She has never seen him before, how could she seem to have known him before?And he was so much younger than her.


After half an hour's journey, the car stopped outside a manor.

Qiao Feng in front got out of the car first, and opened the door for Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran.

Before getting out of the car, Lu Yuchen wrapped the blanket around An Qiaoran's body tightly. The blanket was long enough to wrap around An Qiaoran's feet.After confirming that there would be no ventilation, he carried her out of the car.

"Young Master Lu, my father is at home, follow me in!"

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation. Lu Yuchen didn't think much, and walked in with An Qiaoran in his arms.

It was too cold outside, he was afraid of freezing An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was embraced by Lu Yuchen, and he closed the manor. The scenery looked good, with pine trees standing on the side of the red carpet road, covered with white snow, very beautiful.

Because the manor was too big, Lu Yuchen hugged her around for a long time before seeing a small attic next to a big tree, and walked in without any explanation...

(End of this chapter)

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