Chapter 552 Make One Last Decision

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt uncomfortable, "Don't worry, I will pay attention, no matter what, I will do my best."

"Okay! Thank you, you are so kind." Mrs. Qiao smiled kindly, looked at An Qiaoran for a moment, and asked again.

"By the way, have you met your father?"

An Qiaoran's face darkened when he heard this, and he shook his head, "I haven't had a father since I was born, so I haven't seen him either."

"What a poor child..." Mrs. Qiao said, then asked again, "Didn't your mother tell you about your father?"

"No, she never told me anything about my father."

Speaking of her mother, she felt sad and helpless. Since she was a child, she never planned to let her find her father, so she didn't tell her anything.

Mrs. Qiao's face was a little gloomy when she heard this, "Your mother may have some difficulties!"

An Qiaoran did not respond.


When he came out of Mrs. Qiao's bedroom, An Qiaoran saw Lu Yuchen standing there with a resentful face, "Are you done chatting?"

An Qiaoran nodded, "Yes."

Her voice was soft and emotionless. Just after she finished talking about her experience, she suddenly realized that it was really a pity that her mother could not see her happy life now.

Suddenly, she missed her mother very much.

"What's wrong with you? What did she tell you that you look like this?" Lu Yuchen frowned when he saw that her expression was not right. Although he was asking her, his eyes were only looking at Mrs. Qiao who came down from behind.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Qiao said apologetically, "My wife just talked to me about her childhood. She probably misses her mother."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen looked down at An Qiaoran suspiciously, and after she nodded, his face became better, and he took her into his arms.

"Don't be sad, you still have me."

An Qiaoran nodded, noticing Qiao Yu who had been looking at her, raised her eyes to look at Lu Yuchen.

"Are you still worrying about Qiao Yu scalding me?" She almost forgot what Qiao Yu said.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "No."

"Then why did Mr. Qiao whip her?" An Qiaoran asked, turning to look at Qiao Ze who was aside.

"Madam, you misunderstood. I just warned her not to be disrespectful to you in the future, otherwise she will be whipped."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran finally realized that Qiao Yu's ears were the problem. Since that was the case, she stopped talking and turned to look at Lu Yuchen, "Let's go!"

Lu Yuchen nodded, wrapped his arms around her waist, left, and walked outside.

"Feng'er, help me see off Young Master Lu and the others."

Seeing Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran leaving, Qiao Ze sat down on the sofa beside him.

The paleness on Mrs. Qiao's face did not fade much.

Her mind was full of the heart-shaped pendant on An Qiaoran's neck, and the more she thought about it, the more her head hurt.


On the way back, in the yard, An Qiaoran met Mo Yixuan who was waiting there specially, and stopped for a while.


"Yat Xuan..."

The two spoke in unison, Mo Yixuan glanced at Lu Yuchen, and then said to An Qiaoran, "Can I chat with you for a while?"


Before An Qiaoran could answer, Lu Yuchen who was at the side had already flatly refused.

An Qiaoran didn't speak.


"Just talk here!" An Qiaoran finally spoke out, speaking indifferently.

Hearing this, Mo Yixuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I just want to tell you, please make one last decision."

"What decision?" An Qiaoran asked.

(End of this chapter)

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