Chapter 557 Pregnant?

"But your vision is not good, the results of those two people in the team are not good, even you can't beat yourself."

An Qiaoran: "..."

How can anyone beat themselves?Only neuropathy will!
An Qiaoran knew that he was chasing rumors, so he didn't say anything. He glanced at the time, and then looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "Qiaoqiao, you and Jiang Hao and those nurses should go back first!"

"Are you going to close the door early?" Zhao Qiaoqiao asked.

"Yes." An Qiaoran nodded.

Looking at the situation, no matter whether the door is closed, someone came to pick her up and go home in person.

"Okay, I'll go right away, see you tomorrow." Zhao Qiaoqiao said, and then left the room.

An Qiaoran also stood up, "Let's go! Let's go to the supermarket to buy ingredients first."

During this period of time, Lu Yuchen seemed to be obsessed with her cooking, and would ask her to cook every day after get off work.

The two went to the supermarket together to buy ingredients, and then An Qiaoran went to cook.

An Qiaoran put on her apron and stood busy in front of the stove.

While cooking, the smell of oily smoke rushed into An Qiaoran's respiratory tract and into his stomach. An Qiaoran suddenly felt sick and ran to the faucet to retch.

Lu Yuchen, who saw this scene in the restaurant, hurried over, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

An Qiaoran didn't speak, and stood there blankly, as if counting the days, "Today is NO.15... It seems that my period has not come..."

An Qiaoran muttered, looking up at Lu Yuchen, "Did I not have my period last month?"

An Qiaoran didn't care about being shy anymore, and asked Lu Yuchen directly.

There is no way, a year has passed, and he has been working hard to have a daughter, so... Maybe he knows better than her when she is on her period.

Lu Yuchen didn't expect that she would suddenly ask him so openly, and said without any thought, "I didn't come."

"I didn't come..." Hearing this, An Qiaoran began to think seriously, and started the mode of talking to himself, "I didn't come during the period, retching, lethargy, it seems to be a little bit too! So... this is Is it a sign of pregnancy?"

As soon as An Qiaoran's words came out of her mouth, Lu Yuchen with sharp ears heard her and grabbed her arm excitedly, "Pregnant? Are you telling the truth?"


This is also her guess, and she still doesn't know how to answer his words, but she still nodded, "It's just a possibility, I can only check the details tomorrow."

"There's no need to check, it must be there!" Lu Yuchen suddenly looked at her, and said with certainty, his eyes consciously glanced at her abdomen, which seemed to be slightly protruding.

If there is... then he will be a father.

"Why are you so sure?" An Qiaoran looked at him helplessly.

He was overjoyed to hear her say that she might be pregnant, and it seemed that he really wanted a child.

"I worked so hard, if it doesn't work, it's your problem." Lu Yuchen said solemnly.

"What's my problem?" An Qiaoran pouted helplessly.

"You're either contraceptive or infertile." Lu Yuchen was also blunt and said it directly.

An Qiaoran: "..."

"Can you be more ruthless? I promise I won't be angry with you."

Even thinking about infertility, his mouth is so poisonous to her.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran's face, angry?

He was just talking, why should he be so serious?

Lu Yuchen smiled helplessly, and stretched out his hand to caress her abdomen. Such a childish move made An Qiaoran a little bit dumbfounded.

"Don't say you're not sure, even if it's true, you still don't open the door to feel something."

(End of this chapter)

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