Chapter 565 The Fiancée
When An Qiaoran turned around like this, her head touched Xie Linna's head, and Xie Linna lost her center of gravity because of wearing high heels, and fell backward...

Similarly, An Qiaoran was also caught off guard, and her body also fell backward due to inertia. She stepped back a few steps, and a big hand supported her waist, and An Qiaoran finally stood up.

Stretching out his hand to caress his aching forehead, he turned to look at Sun Xu beside him, and thanked him.

Xie Linna on the other side was also supported by Zhao Qiaoqiao, otherwise she would have fallen badly enough.

Xie Linna stood upright, looking at Sun Xu's hand on An Qiaoran's waist, with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Noticing Xie Linna's gaze, An Qiaoran came to his senses, quickly took Sun Xu's hand off, took a step forward, and said to Xie Linna, "I'm sorry, I almost caused you to fall, are you okay?"

Xie Linna glanced back and forth between Sun Xu and An Qiaoran, finally fixed on An Qiaoran, smiled and shook her head, "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, Xie Linna stepped on her high heels, walked to Sun Xu's side, and reached out to hold his wrist, "It really scared me just now, I thought I just fell down! If I fall down, our The child is in danger."

Xie Linna said it happily, but Sun Xu pursed his thin lips, looking a little impatient.

An Qiaoran saw that the two were so close, but didn't say anything, but looked at the high heels on Xie Linna's feet, which were more than ten centimeters, and reminded, "Pregnant women should not wear high heels for a long time, it is not good for the fetus, serious , may lead to miscarriage.”

An Qiaoran said, looking at Sun Xu reproachfully, "Sun Xu, why didn't you remind her?"

Sun Xu is also a doctor after all, and he should know about it after staying in the hospital for so long.

Xie Linna was so scared that she quickly took off her shoes and looked at Sun Xu coquettishly, "Brother Sun Xu, why didn't you tell me about such a serious matter?"

Sun Xu heard this, looked down at Xie Linna, and said indifferently, "I'm not a gynecologist, I don't know."

After Sun Xu finished speaking, he glanced at An Qiaoran, and then strode out of the shop.

"Brother Sun Xu, wait for me, I'm barefoot! You have to hug me."

Xie Linna was barefoot, and quickly followed his footsteps. Even though Xie Linna yelled, Sun Xu didn't look back.

An Qiaoran couldn't help but feel helpless watching such a scene, and left the store together with Zhao Qiaoqiao.

"Isn't Sun Xu going too far? He doesn't seem to have any affection for that Xie Linna, and doesn't care about her." Zhao Qiaoqiao was discussing Sun Xu and Xie Linna all the way.

"I really doubt whether the child in that woman's stomach is actually Sun Xu's."

"They're already a fiancée, so it doesn't matter anymore." An Qiaoran sighed and entered the elevator.


After hanging out with Zhao Qiaoqiao for a while, she bought a few clothes and asked the clerk to send them to the villa, and she returned home lightly.

Lu Yuchen seemed to be still in the study, so he probably didn't notice that she had gone out.

An Qiaoran smiled secretly, then took a plate of plums and went upstairs to Lu Yuchen's study.

She cautiously pushed open the door of the study, saw the man sitting behind the desk concentrating on his work, smiled secretly, and then tiptoed over.

An Qiaoran originally wanted to scare Lu Yuchen, because he might not have noticed her because he had to concentrate.

However, just before An Qiaoran walked to the desk, before he made a gesture to scare him, the man who had been concentrating on the computer suddenly raised his head, and stared at her with a pair of deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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