Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 574 You and Yuchen...are already married?

Chapter 574 You and Yuchen...are already married?

Nade looked at this Chen Lanyu, and after a while, he suddenly realized, "So it's Miss Chen, are you awake?"

Chen Lanyu nodded and said nothing more.

"Come on, big sister, I'll wash your feet first, and then treat your wound."

An Qiaoran picked up the towel in the basin, wrung it dry, and said to Chen Lan Xueyu.

Chen Lanyu looked at An Qiaoran in front of her, was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Let me do it! Don't bother you."

"It's okay." An Qiaoran said, then raised her bruised foot, and gently wiped the dirt on it with a towel.

An Qiaoran thought that Chen Lanyu would cry out in pain, but she didn't expect that she sat silently the whole time.

Nade on the side looked at An Qiaoran for being so kind to Chen Lanyu, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

The young lady is really kind-hearted!
After removing all the dirt, An Qiaoran opened the medicine box and began to disinfect the wound, and then applied medicine. After doing all this, An Qiaoran put on her slippers.

"Sister, now you can tell me, when did you wake up? How did you come here barefoot?"

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I woke up in the morning and heard the nurse talk about my father. I didn't know where to go, so I ran here."


After listening to Chen Lanyu's words, An Qiaoran fell silent.

Since Chen Guangren was imprisoned, she paid for Chen Lanyu's medical expenses, and she also visited her often, but... she didn't stay for long.

Because... When she was still in the Chen family, she didn't talk to her very much, and the relationship wasn't very good.

In her impression, Chen Lanyu was a woman who despised everything. Whether she was bullied by Chen Lanxue or driven out of the Chen family, she never said a word.

She is a taciturn person.

Now that she knew about Chen Guangren, she must be very sad, after all, she was told that she had no home when she just woke up.

Now the Chen family was broken, Chen Guangren was imprisoned, Chen Lanxue was sent to a mental hospital, and now, only Chen Lanyu was left.

Chen Lanyu was Lu Yuchen's fiancée from the beginning, until the moment she fainted, so... she ran here desperately.

An Qiaoran guessed that Lu Yuchen should occupy a very important place in her heart, after all... It's been two years, and she still remembers the way to come here.

"Sister, I'll ask the maid to prepare a room for you. I'll take you to rest first, and we'll talk later."

An Qiaoran said, and helped Chen Lanyu stand up, then went up to the second floor, pushed open a door, and walked in.

"Elder sister, rest first, and tell the servants if you need anything, and they will take care of you."

An Qiaoran said, then turned around, ready to leave.


Chen Lanyu's voice sounded behind her.

An Qiaoran stopped and turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Chen Lanyu hesitated for a moment, then looked at her, and asked, "Are you and Yuchen... already married?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's body froze, and then froze, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Seeing her like this, Chen Lanyu continued to speak, with a flat voice, "I heard the bodyguard calling you Mrs. De, the housekeeper calling you Young Madam, everyone in the villa respects you, but you are wearing such gorgeous clothes. I think... it's true!"


Regarding Chen Lanyu's words, An Qiaoran remained silent, not saying a word, because she didn't know how to tell her.

(End of this chapter)

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