Chapter 579 The old lady... is here

Don't know how to face her?

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "I don't know how to face her, so I'll drive her out, she's an eyesore, so I won't embarrass you."

Lu Yuchen's words made An Qiaoran very helpless, "Where else can she go now besides here?"

"That has nothing to do with you or me, care about her?"

Lu Yuchen said it with a look of comfort, but An Qiaoran was helpless, "No matter what, if the Chen family is still there, at least she has a place to go. Now, she can only live here. No matter what, she can't be taken away." drive away."

In order to make up for it, she can only let her stay, and absolutely cannot let her go.

"What you say is what you say."

Lu Yuchen held her in his arms and looked at the moon in the sky, "Actually, An Qiaoran, without you, Chen Lanyu wouldn't be Mrs. Lu, so don't keep remembering this and feel guilty."

He watched her cry for that woman, and panicked in his heart.

"I know that you were just trying to use her so that those women who coveted you would retreat."

This was also what Nade told her. After listening to it, she still felt a little sympathetic to Chen Lanyu.

An Qiaoran reached out and poked Lu Yuchen's heart, pouted, "Actually, you only have that little girl in your heart."

If he hadn't been sure that she was that girl, he wouldn't have married her!However, if it wasn't because Chen Lanyu fell down the stairs because of her and caught his attention, he would not know when he would have discovered her!

An Qiaoran's hand poked Lu Yuchen's heart itchy, and he grabbed her instantly with his big palm, and looked down at her, "Yeah, I only have you in my heart, why? Don't you have me in your heart?"

"I can't remember that. If I remember what happened at that time, I will definitely remember you too. After all, you are so handsome now, and you must have been handsome when you were young, right? I will definitely fall in love with you at first sight."

An Qiaoran said like a dog.

Hearing An Qiaoran's sweet words, Lu Yuchen felt proud, "Of course, when I was young, there were many girls who sent love letters."

"Really?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen bragging quietly. At that time, girls were so mature in their thinking?

"That's natural." Lu Yuchen looked proud.

An Qiaoran: "..."

Ok!Find out now.

An Qiaoran didn't speak anymore, she lay in Lu Yuchen's arms and looked at the moon, "The night sky is so peaceful tonight."

No one spoke, and the whole night was very quiet, which was unusual.

Next to the fountain, the two sat there cuddling up. Chen Lanyu watched all this, his eyes gradually turned red.

The appearance of Chen Lanyu did not change the daily life of An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen.

Chen Lanyu watched TV, took a walk, and slept every day in the villa, and she didn't have much contact with An Qiaoran.

As long as there were An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen, she didn't pay much attention.

On this day, An Qiaoran was still decorating the baby room upstairs, when Nade knocked on the door suddenly and walked in.

"Young Madam..." There was some hesitation between Nade's words.

"What's wrong?"

An Qiaoran put down the baby clothes in his hand and looked at Nade.

Nade had a look of embarrassment on his face, he was in a stalemate for a while, and then said, "The old lady... is here."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned.

old lady...

That grandma of Lu Yuchen?

"Young madam, the old madam is in the hall now! The young master is not here, what do you say... what should I do?"

Nade's face was full of embarrassment, and An Qiaoran also pursed his lips, hesitating whether to see him or not.

(End of this chapter)

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