Chapter 587 I Don't Dislike You

In the afternoon, after An Qiaoran woke up thirsty, she sat up with her body propped up. She didn't find Lu Yuchen, so she wanted to press the inside line.

At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and Lu Yuchen walked in from the outside.

Seeing her sitting up, she walked over quickly, sat on the bed, and looked at her with concern, "What's wrong?"

"I want to drink water." An Qiaoran's mouth was so dry that it was crusted.

"I'll pour it for you." Lu Yuchen said, then walked to the table, poured a glass of water, and handed it to her.

After An Qiaoran drank it, he looked at him, "I seem to be getting heavier again..."

She remembered that she fell asleep in the car, Lu Yuchen must have carried her back, climbed upstairs, must be very tired?

"No, I don't dislike you." Lu Yuchen took a tissue to wipe the sweat off her brow and said.

"But I despise myself." An Qiaoran said, looking at his swollen arm.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was a little dumbfounded, "I didn't dislike you, but you still dislike yourself, do you doubt my vision?"


"Then be confident, don't think about those inexplicable things." Lu Yuchen said, then leaned on her stomach again and listened.

After a while, he sat upright and looked at her seriously, "My daughter said, let you be more confident, you will recover after she is born, and you will still be as beautiful as before."

What Lu Yuchen said made An Qiaoran feel a little funny, "How can she talk? Don't be funny."

"She can't speak, but I can hear you." Lu Yuchen's serious expression made An Qiaoran not want to say anything.

He smiled helplessly, then moved, wanting to get up.

As soon as she moved, Lu Yuchen was startled by her, "Sit still."

"I want to go to the bathroom." An Qiaoran looked at him helplessly.

He is always so careful, as long as she moves in his sight, he will be extremely nervous.

"I'll take you there."

As Lu Yuchen said, he bent down and picked her up, went to the bathroom, put her next to the toilet, and said, "I'll be outside, call me when you're done."


After finishing, An Qiaoran walked out by himself and didn't call him again.

Lu Yuchen was originally guarding outside, but when she saw her walk out by herself, she frowned, "Didn't you tell me to call me?"

"I don't want to trouble you!" An Qiaoran pouted and walked past him.

Subconsciously walked to the vanity mirror, but thinking about his current appearance, he didn't dare to look in the mirror, picked up the comb, walked to the sofa, sat down, and combed his hair.

Seeing her clumsy movements, Lu Yuchen walked over and took the comb in her hand, "I'll do it."

As he spoke, he gently combed her hair.

"You can go somewhere with me later!" An Qiaoran said suddenly, feeling the temperature between his fingers.

"where to?"

"Secret." An Qiaoran said mysteriously.

"It can't be kept secret." Lu Yuchen frowned, "What if there are too many people in the place to go?"

Where there are many people, there are many disputes, so he has to prepare in advance, after all... She said that she fell down once.

"Don't worry, there are not many people in that place at this time."

"Where the hell is it?" Lu Yuchen didn't buy it, and wanted to know where she was going?

Keep it a secret?Is it so mysterious?

"It's all kept secret." Faced with his persistent questioning, An Qiaoran curled his lips helplessly.

"I won't go if you don't tell me." Lu Yuchen even threatened her.

"It's okay, it's better if you don't go."

An Qiaoran's tone was indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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