Chapter 589 The Covenant
He thought she was going to watch a movie with her alone, but he didn't expect... He even asked those two people out.

Thinking about it, he glanced dissatisfied at the two people beside him.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't say anything, An Qiaoran stopped asking. After saying goodbye to Zhao Qiaoqiao, he got in the car and left.

On the way back, I passed a square where many aunts were dancing in the square.

"Stop." An Qiaoran said hastily.

Lu Yuchen glanced at the aunts in the roadside square, and glanced at An Qiaoran with some disgust, "Are you interested in square dancing?"

He didn't know she had this hobby yet.

"No, I just think my daughter is a little excited to hear this music, and I want to go for a walk too."

An Qiaoran turned her eyes to see the disgust on Lu Yuchen's face, and then said, "If you don't like it, just wait for me in this car! I'll be back after a while."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he got off the car and walked towards the square.

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless. Although he was very reluctant to appear on this occasion, he still got out of the car and followed An Qiaoran's footsteps.

As dusk approaches, the square is very lively. There are many aunts dancing in the square, and grandparents are also dancing!

Yipang also has children playing spinning tops, so uncomfortable.

Looking at these boys, An Qiaoran felt that her childhood was really beautiful, but it's a pity that she had an unfortunate childhood.

Lu Yuchen walked on the square with An Qiaoran in his arms, and when he was tired, he sat down on the bench to rest.Their appearance at this time is very similar to the old grandpa and grandma who came out for a walk.

The grandma was old and couldn't walk anymore, so the grandpa helped her to walk. When she was tired from walking, she also rested on the bench.

Reluctantly, there were too many people at this time, and there were no extra benches, so they squeezed with Lu Yuchen, but it could only accommodate one person.

The old man asked the old woman to sit down, but he stood aside and talked with him.

An Qiaoran looked at these old people with incomparable kindness in his heart, so he pulled Lu Yuchen to stand up and gave up his seat for them.

Looking at this elderly couple, An Qiaoran's mind suddenly came up with what he and Lu Yuchen would look like in the future.

That's really called, hold your hand and grow old together.

It's beautiful.

Just thinking about it, the corners of An Qiaoran's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"What makes you laugh so happily?" Lu Yuchen looked at the smile on her mouth and asked.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran turned to look at him, then turned to look at the two old men on the bench, and smiled gently.

"I'm thinking, if we are like them in the future, carefree and growing old together, it would be nice to have such a day."

The best look of love is not a romantic wedding, but growing old together.

Lu Yuchen listened to her emotional words, and then looked at the two elderly people in the distance. The grandfather was wiping the old lady's sweat, and the old lady was also straightening the collar of the old lady. The two looked very affectionate.

The corners of Lu Yuchen's mouth raised unconsciously, he looked away, looked at the envious look in his arms, and tightened the hands that hugged her, his voice was magnetic.

"We will be happier than them in the future."

An Qiaoran listened to what he said, and looked up at him, as if thinking that he would not say such a thing.

"If you can't walk anymore, I'll carry you on my back, and we will travel around the world together."

"Then what if you can't walk anymore?"

Lu Yuchen frowned, then said, "Impossible."


"Because I know how to exercise."


"That's good. When our children grow up and get married, we will travel around the world together."

This is their agreement.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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