Chapter 591 Good!
An Qiaoran noticed that his expression was wrong, and he was a little puzzled, "What's wrong? Can't you do it tomorrow?"

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and said, "It's not impossible, it's just that your body is not suitable for long-distance travel."

She is now eight months old, a very important period, and he is worried about her after such a long journey to the country.

"It's not walking, it's driving!" An Qiaoran said helplessly.

"But..." Having said that, Lu Yuchen was still very worried.

"Okay, the road over there has been repaired a long time ago, there will be no problems, and the journey will be smooth." An Qiaoran persuaded him.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen couldn't help but feel a little helpless, "I think you want to see your grandma soon, don't you?"


Grandma treats her very well!She didn't have time and didn't think about it before, but when she remembered it today, she couldn't wait to fly there!
"Okay! For the sake of you wanting to go so much, we will set off tomorrow."


After returning to the villa, An Qiaoran began to prepare things to take to the countryside, and Lu Yuchen also asked the shop assistants to bring all the clothes worn by the old man to the villa for An Qiaoran to choose.

An Qiaoran selected more than ten pieces for men and women at one time, and packed them in a large suitcase, which is easy to carry tomorrow.

After An Qiaoli came back, she saw that the old man's clothes were hanging in the hall of An Qiaoran's villa, and she looked at An Qiaoran strangely.

"Sister, did you move the supermarket to your home? And... what do you buy these clothes for? Do you wear them?"

An Qiaoran, who was picking one out of a hundred clothes, felt a little helpless when he heard this, "I'm going to choose the clothes to send to my grandma and grandpa. What should I wear this for?"

"Grandma and grandpa?" An Qiaoli heard this word for the first time. "Sister, do we still have grandma and grandpa? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Eh... I can't remember?" It was over ten years since we saw each other, and she only remembered it suddenly.

"I'm going too." An Qiaoli said, walking to An Qiaoran's side, holding her hand and acting coquettishly, "Sister, I'm going, I'm going."

When Lu Yuchen came down, he saw An Qiaoli pulling An Qiaoran, his eyes turned cold, and he walked over quickly, "Let go of her."

An Qiaoli was still acting coquettishly with An Qiaoran, but Lu Yuchen's cold voice rang out. She was taken aback and sent her a hand.

She finally came back, and was yelled at by her brother-in-law. It's been a day.

Lu Yuchen embraced An Qiaoran, turned to look at An Qiaoli, "Your sister is in an emergency now, it's best not to touch her, if something happens, you won't be able to afford it."

"I see." An Qiaoli lowered her head, and sat on the sofa a little aggrieved.

With An Qiaoli's appearance, An Qiaoran gave Lu Yuchen a helpless look, "Can't you speak well? Look at Lily, what have you said to me?"

"What she looks like has nothing to do with me." Lu Yuchen said solemnly.

An Qiaoran: "..."

Knowing that I couldn't explain clearly to him, I didn't intend to continue this topic. I picked up the clothes in my hand and asked, "Do you think this is good?"

"it is good!"

"What about this one?"

"it is good!"

"Then how about...I'll take them all." Seeing that he kept answering well, An Qiaoran tried to ask.

"it is good!"

Lu Yuchen nodded as usual.

His appearance made An Qiaoran a little embarrassed, "Forget it, I'd better choose a few better ones. After all, I'm going to pick them up, and I have to move them when the time comes, which seems quite troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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